Spider and heights top the UK’s phobias - and ‘FOMO’ is now a very real fear

THE TOP phobias holding back the nation have been revealed, and almost a third of people say their fears make them think twice about visiting destinations such as Australia.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Spiders and heights are the UK's top phobias

In time for International Face Your Fears Day on October 11, more than half of Brits (59 per cent) have confessed to having a phobia, with the most common fears being spiders (45 per cent) and heights (42 per cent), proving there’s nothing ‘incy wincy’ about these fears. 

With 40 per cent of Brits keen to defeat their phobia, lastminute.com, who carried out the research, is showing how travelling to certain destinations can help to overcome fears. 

The same research also highlighted a range of quirkier fears sparking Brits anxiety levels, with dust, dentists, moths and even unusual textures such as velvet. 

But who’s the more fearful sex?


More than half of Brits have confessed to having a phobia

Men appear to suffer from more of the obscure fears and phobias, with seven per cent scared of dating and six per cent adamant that the number 13 is unlucky for them. 

And thanks to the nation’s obsession with social media, eight per cent live in a constant state of ‘FOMO’. 

Fomo stands for the fear of missing out. 

A further three per cent of people can’t sleep at night for worrying about Facebook ‘likes’ - an insight that doesn’t deserve a thumbs-up. 


15 per cent of Brits are unable to sleep due to their fears and phobias

For twenty-six per cent of Brits, their fear or phobia makes them think twice before agreeing to do things, with a whopping 15 per cent unable to sleep due to their fears and phobias. 

Women are much likely to lay awake at night losing sleep over their fear - 18 per cent - compared to 11 per cent of men. 

Whatever our fear or phobia may be, it turns out it’s hard-wired in to us with 59 per cent of the population developing a fear or phobia before the age of 18, and a quarter (26 per cent) able to pinpoint the cause to a traumatic experience as a child. 

But bullish Brits are more likely to face their fears with more than a third (34 per cent) stating they try to be brave, while 26 per cent turn to a family and friends for help/ 

Working with lastminute.com, Lauren Rosenberg, a specialist in energy psychology, said: “Dears and phobias are no laughing matter for Brits - one in five admit that it regularly holds them back in life and attacks their self-confidence - and for some the effects are so extreme that it governs their movement, even leaving certain places off-limits (28 per cent). 


59 per cent of the population develop a fear or phobia before the age of 18

“We only get one go at life, so it’s important to live it to the full and own the moment. Setting deadlines are a great way of taking steps to confronting your fears head on. The trick is to do things gradually and work towards a goal that can help turn a fear into a positive experience.” 

For those with a fear of heights, Lauren suggests Dubai, home to the tallest building in the world, those with a fear of small spaces should visit Tijuana, Mexico, which contains some of the smallest underground tunnels, and people with a fear of spiders should visit Australia - home to some of the deadliest spiders. 

To get over a fear of open water, Lauren suggests visiting California, which is bordered to the Pacific Ocean, the world’s deepest ocean, for a fear of the dark, Iceland, as in winter the country enjoys only four to five hours of sunlight, and for a fear of not having internet access to visit Easter Island in Chile - one of the world’s most remote islands. 

Lauren says dear of the number 13 can be cured by visiting Italy, where it’s considered  lucky number, the fear of missing out by visiting St Kilda in the UK - one of the world’s most remote islands - a fear of ghosts by visiting Aokigahara in Japan - one of the most haunted places in the world - and a fear of flying by visiting Perth in Australia, which os one of the longest fights from the UK. 

This comes after it was revealed a quarter of millennials struggle to do simple household tasks like boil an egg. 

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