Little Troopers: Calendar captures HEARTWARMING photographs of military children

A COLLECTION of beautiful photos of children and their parents who serve in the British Armed Forces have been brought together into a special Military Moment calendar for 2017.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


This is the first time photos from all three of the Armed Forces have featured

The calendar, which is being launched today by the charity Little Troopers, will raise money to help support more than 150,000 children who have a parent serving for their country. 

From babies wrapped up in camouflage to warm embraces shared between fathers and their sons and daughters, the photographs are capable of melting even the coldest of hearts. 

Louise Fetigan, Founder and Operations Manager of Little Troopers, said: “This is the charity’s fifth calendar, but the first to have photos from all three of our Armed Forces. 

“The pictures show many of the emotions experienced by a Military family from waving goodbye to daddy’s ship, the happiness when they come home and the tough times while they are away. 

“We are lucky to share some very special moment with out families through these images - it is a great privilege.” 


First prize winner Harvey Logan Holt

From all the photos, 15 were selected for the calendar’s pages and front cover along with a montage of the shortlisted photos on the back page. 

The charity launched a competition for the calendar and three were selected for prizes. 

First prize went to Harvey Logan Holt (12 months old in the photo) whose parents are both serving in the Royal Air Force. 

The photo of Harvey was taken at a very special photo shoot after dad has just returned from another tour of duty. 

Mum, Senior Aircraftwoman Lucy Holt, 23, said: “I’m completely over the moon that my little man has been chosen as your 2017 calendar winner. 


Second prize winner Kian Roche and his dad

“It feels amazing that I can ring my husband who is currently deployed and tell him that his little man was this year’s winner. We are super proud of him.” 

Second prize went to Kian Roche and his dad, Engineering Technician Adam Roche. 

The winning picture was taken at HMS Lancaster’s homecoming in Portsmouth dockyard in December 2015 after a very long inn-month deployment. 

This was one of the first pictures taken of Adam and Kian, aged three at the time (now four), after coming alongside. 

Mum Stevie Roche said: “Kian stayed embraced like this with his dad for most of the ay I think he was a little afraid to let go.” 


Third prize winner Charlie Duckworth and his dad

Third prize winner is Charlie Duckworth and his dad Lance Sergeant Peter Duckworth. 

The picture was taken when Charlie was 11 days old. 

Mum Megan Duckworth said: “I am over the moon that a photo of my son with his dad is being used for the calendar. I feel so honored and proud.” 

Charlie and his dad will be featured on the month of June 2017. 

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