Did YOU spot the ladder? Man fails to see it and results in painful ending

DID YOU spot the ladder this man walked into or did you fail to see it too?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

CCTV catches moment man SMACKS his head on ladder

The latest video taking the internet by storm shows a man walking into a ladder strapped to the top of a Ford KA. 

But the question people are asking is how visible is it to the naked eye? Or was the man stupid for not noticing it?

Before the man bangs his head its almost impossible to see the ladder. 

It looks as though the Ford KA has nothing attached to it, and even on second look, the ladder could be mistaken for the edge of the pavement. 

Did you spot the ladder this man walks into?IMGUR

Did you spot the ladder this man walks into?

The painful, and confusing video, was uploaded to Imgur, and in less than 24 hours has had more than 120,000 views. 

Imgur users have been split over whether the man should have noticed the ladder. 

Many felt he should have been more aware and noticed the oncoming object. 

One user said: “It is pretty dumb when people walk while looking straight down at the ground (or at their phone)…”

Did you spot the ladder this man walks into?IMGUR

Did you spot the ladder? Some people believed the man should have spotted it

Another sympathised with him, and said:“Who would suspect a ladder on top of a damn ford ka…” 

Other users saw the funny side of the man’s misfortune. 

One person commented: “Worst. Limbo Player. Ever.” 

Another wrote: “How many people did they watch do that before starting to record?” 

Did you spot the ladder this man walks into?IMGUR

Did you spot the ladder? Other people understood how easily the man missed it

Another video which has gone viral this week involves a car driving down a deserted road. 

The car came to a sudden stop when it stumbled across a very bizarre sight. 

Dash cam footage captured a car speeding down a mountainside road. 

Another camera was focused on the driver, who appeared laid back as he drove down the deserted road. 

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