'Medicinal cannabis SHOULD be part of NHS care': Cancer sufferer's boyfriend wants change

MEDICINAL CANNABIS should be part of NHS cancer care according to 27-year-old Jamie Robinson after losing his long-term girlfriend to the disease earlier this year. 

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Medicinal cannabis SHOULD be part of NHS cancer careJAMIE ROBINSON/FACEBOOK

Medicinal cannabis SHOULD be part of NHS cancer care according to Jamie Robinson

Jamie, from Rushden, Northamptonshire, is currently petitioning for medicinal cannabis to be made available in the UK as he claims it helped his girlfriend Sophie Watford who was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer in June 2015. 

Sophie, who unfortunately lost her battle with cancer in January this year, was forced to undergo intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy after her diagnosis to try and shrink the tumours inside her lungs.

But Jamie revealed that one of doctors’ concerns was Sophie already being at a low weight and that, like many others, chemotherapy could have the potential to kill her, not the cancer.

In a desperate attempt to try anything to help Sophie beat her terminal cancer, the couple did extensive research into alternative treatments to give her the best chance of a longer life while undergoing chemotherapy. 

Jamie said: “We did the research and found that there was a movement coming from all round the world that described the benefits medicinal cannabis oil has on the body. 

“Some claim they have seen their tumours shrink, reduce or go completely. 

“But everywhere we looked we kept reading about people who took cannabis oil alongside chemotherapy and had found it helped them regain their appetite for food.” 

Medicinal cannabis SHOULD be part of NHS cancer careJAMIE ROBINSON/FACEBOOK

Sophie Watford was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer at the end of summer 2015

According to Jamie, one of the major side effects of chemotherapy that ultimately ends many cancer sufferers lives is the inability to want or to be able to keep food down. 

He added: “We decided that because of Sophie’s low weight and because she was suffering with complete loss of appetite and losing weight day by day that the least we could do was try the cannabis oil treatment.” 

As medicinal cannabis oil is not prescribed in the UK, the couple were put in a position whereby they had to buy the cannabis in plant form and make the oil themselves. 

Access within the UK is limited to the pharmaceutical cannabis based medicine Sativex. 

This can only be prescribed to MS sufferers and is at your doctors discretion, so differing postcodes can effect access. 

It should also be noted that although the NHS in Wales will subsidise Sativex, the NHS in England will not, so typical treatments can cost up to £500 a month. 

All other cannabis use or production in the UK is illegal.

Medicinal cannabis SHOULD be part of NHS cancer careJAMIE ROBINSON/FACEBOOK

In a desperate attempt to help Sophie the couple researched the benefits of medicinal cannabis

Jamie said: “While we were going through the most stressful time we had the added pressure of financing and producing a medication that if we lived in another country would be readily available. 

“You have no idea how angry and upset Sophie was when she found out other countries prescribe this while we pumped our life savings into producing it ourselves.”

Jamie explained that after producing the first batch of cannabis oil, Sophie took some, and roughly an hour later she hit the cupboard for food.

Jamie said: “The appetite that had gone was back and she ate and she ate and she ate. 

“Sophie managed to get herself through chemotherapy by her strong personality and determination, and although I have every faith that she would of without the use of cannabis oil, I know that her life was vastly improved while she was going through chemotherapy. 

“It gave her pain relief from the radiotherapy, made her not feel sick, helped her regain her appetite, keep food down and maintain weight.” 

In December 2015, just before Christmas, Sophie’s cancer had spread to her spine, and on January 16, 12 days after her 27th birthday she died. 

But now, Jamie has set up petition, which he hopes will gain traction and put pressure on the UK government to make prescription medicinal cannabis available in the UK. 

He said: “The main reason I started the petition was to try and change the way people feel about medicinal cannabis and to show the country that it really can help and should be available.

“One of the reasons I think it’s not currently available is the stigma attached to it through people using it recreationally, but I don’t think people who need it for medical purposes should lose out.”

Medicinal cannabis SHOULD be part of NHS cancer careJAMIE ROBINSON/FACEBOOK

Jamie is no petitioning to put pressure on the government to make medicinal cannabis available

The NHS has been testing cannabis products for some time alongside a number of organisations, including Cancer Research UK. 

Cannabinoids are known to affect brain and nerve, energy metabolism, heart function and the immune system. 

About 24 US states, Canada, Israel and at least 11 European countries already allow access to cannabis for medical use. 

But while MPs have called for the legalisation of medical cannabis the Home Office is yet to make any changes. 

Back in 2014, cancer patient Mike Cutler hailed cannabis as a miracle cure for the disease after his symptoms vanished when he began taking the drug. 

Research published in the same year, carried out by the University of East Anglia, revealed the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, can help fight cancerous cells. 

Dr Peter McCormick, from the university’s School of Pharmacy, said at the time: “THC has anti-cancer properties. This compound is known to act through a specific family of cell receptors. 

“We have provided an important step towards the future development of therapeutics to reduce tumour growth.” 

To sign Jamie’s petition, visit http://bit.ly/2glcMbW

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