Money saving HACK: Doing THIS will save you £300 off your electricity bill

SAVING money is a New Year’s resolution taken on by thousands of people every year - but what can you do to save the pennies?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Martin Lewis: How to save money on your mortgage

If it’s not vowing to lose weight, it’s saving money, but for the 17 million people in the UK that pledge to take on New Year’s resolutions each year, the third weekend in January is famously the most likely time for willpower to falter, with almost half (44 per cent) breaking their resolutions in three weeks or less. 

But sticking to your promises in the long run can not only help you lose the pounds around your waist but also the pounds on your energy bills. 

Electricity bills are some of the biggest monthly expenses - and one of the harder resolutions to keep on top of - so to help the nation trim their bills alongside their waistlines, British Gas Smart Energy Expert, Sarah Scrivener, has revealed how you can save more than £300 by sticking to five easy resolutions until the end of the year. 

Swap sitting in front of the TV playing video games for a two-hour bike ride. By switching off your games console and getting outside you can save £43 over the course of the year. 

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Save £300 off your electricity bill with a few simple lifestyle changes

Swap sitting in front of the TV playing video games for a two-hour bike ride. By switching off your games console and getting outside you can save £43 over the course of the year

Whip up a tasty salad packed with your favourite ‘superfoods’ instead of cooking a big roast dinner on a Sunday - as well asking the calorie count down, you can save £45.24 by the end of the year by using the oven less. 

Be a morning person by heading to bed just an hour earlier - turn the lights off for an extra hour and save 9p per day. That’s £32.85 by the end of the year. 

Struggling to find the time to exercise? Squeeze 10 minutes of press ups ands ups into your morning routine by cutting your shower time from 15 minutes to five minutes - not only will you burn around 100 calories before work, but you’ll also save £98.43 over the year by reducing your hot water use. 

Whether you’re cycling, running, or training at the gym, regular exercise means your muscles will produce heat and help you stay warm - try turning the thermostat down by just one degree celsius and you can save £85 over the year.

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Save £300 off your electricity bill: Swap sitting in front of the TV for a two-hour long bike ride

Your total savings will amount to £304.52. 

“The first few weeks are often the hardest when it comes to keeping New Year’s resolutions, but it’s easy to stay motivated when you know how much you can save by sticking to them for the whole year,” said Sarah Scrivener. 

“To make it simpler to keep track of how much you’re saving over the year, look into getting a free smart meter installation - you’ll be able to see exactly how much energy you are using at any given time and thereby also avoid any unexpected bills.” 

For more information on how to save energy around the home or British Gas smart metres, visit the British Gas website. 

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Save £300 off your electricity bill: Turn your thermostat own by just one degree celsius

Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has recently explained how to make 5 per cent on your savings with the Nationwide FlexDirect account.

Thousands of Bris have put their money in the ever-popular Santander 123 account, but Martin has a new top-dog of banking in his sights. 

Writing on the Money Saving Expert website, Martin explained: “Switch to the Nationwide FlexDirect account and you’ll get an interest rate of 5 per cent AER on the first £2,500 of your cash. 

“This rate is fixed for the first year you hold the account, which gives some security in a world of uncertain savings rates. Be aware that it drops to 1 per cent from year two, so look around then to see if it can be beaten.” 

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