Mum receives backlash for ‘hitting’ baby - but she was doing it for THIS reason

A MUM decided to share the harsh realities of caring for a baby with cystic fibrosis in a video online - but her methods have been criticised.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Mum trolled for 'hitting' baby – but the reason is moving

Sam Carrier, from Birmingham, posted a clip on her Facebook page, Daisy Evans Journey, to raise awareness of the condition, in which the legs and digestive system become clogged with thick, sticky mucus. 

But not long after the footage went live, Sam was trolled by online users who didn’t agree with her solution. 

She even received a death threat and was labelled a “child beater”, according to BBC West Midlands. 

One commenter said: “How can u do that 2 the baby.”

Mum receives backlash for ‘hitting’ babyDAISY EVANS JOURNEY/FACEBOOK

Cystic fibrosis: Sam Carrier wanted to raise awareness for the condition with her video

How can u do that 2 the baby

Others said, “What are you doing?????” and “You’ll break her ribs”. 

But alongside the criticism, Sam also received a huge amount of praise for her post. 

The mum wanted to underline how difficult it can be to keep a child with the illness safe, and hundreds of people sent their love and admiration. 

One person on Facebook wrote: “This is exactly why she has posted this video, to educate all the morons that are to quick to judge and be a keyboard warrior before reading and listening.” 

Mum receives backlash for ‘hitting’ babyDAISY EVANS JOURNEY/FACEBOOK

Cystic fibrosis: Not long after the footage went live Sam was trolled by online users

Someone else added: “Well done for raising awareness. My husband passed away in July at 47 from this horrid condition. And it’s treatments that kept him going and living a full life so long. Here’s to a long and wonderful life for your beautiful daughter.” 

Sam has set up a funding page where she talks more about her 15-month-old daughter Daisy’s condition. 

"On the 26th October I had a knock on my door from a nurse from Birmingham Children’s Hospital,” she wrote on the page. 

“My heart sank when she said she was gear about Daisy’s heel prick test. Daisy tested positive for two strands of cystic fibrosis. One common and one rare.

Mum receives backlash for ‘hitting’ babyDIASEY EVANS JOURNEY/FACEBOOK

Cystic fibrosis: Many users online praised Sam's efforts

“My world fell apart. It was one of the worst days of my life.” 

Sam and her husband Rob want to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. 

In her video she doing the ‘active cycle of breathing techniques’(ACBT). 

The NHS lists this as an airway clearance technique which involves a sequence of relaxed breathing, followed by deep breathing exercises and then huffing.

Coughing? What your symptoms could indicate.

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