Martin Lewis: Earn three per cent savings interest on up to £6,000 with THIS bank

TESCO BANK has offered a lifeline to savers, offering three per cent savings interest on up to £6,000 with easy access until 2019.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Martin Lewis: Public can make 3% interest with Tesco

Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis appeared Good Morning Britain to talk more about the deal. 

Available to its new and existing current account customers, it’s treble the rate you can get in a normal savings account. 

And what’s more is that it’s promising the rate won’t fall below three percent (thought could rise) for two years from April. 

He explained: “While it’s technically a current account (so you’ll be credit scored) not a savings account, to get it you don’t need to switch bank accounts, because usually it doesn’t require a minimum monthly pay-in or require you to set up direct debits. 

Martin Lewis: Three per cent savings interest  ITV

Martin Lewis: Tesco Bank is offering a lifeline to savers

While it’s technically a current account (so you’ll be credit scored) not a savings account, to get it you don’t need to switch bank accounts, because usually it doesn’t require a minimum monthly pay-in or require you to set up direct debits

“Just open it, say not to its switching service, put your money in and use it to store your savings. 

“Plus you can actually have two accounts per person, so if you’re in a couple open two each and earn three per cent on the full £12,000.”

It should be noted however, that if you ave an old Tesco Clubcard Plus account you can only have one each. 

In November last year, Tesco Bank suspended online banking transactions after more than 20,000 customers registered losing money. 

Martin lewis: Tesco bank savings interestITV

Martin Lewis: It's treble the rate you can get in a normal savings account

Martin added: “You may be worried as last year Tesco Bank was hacked pretty horribly - people had money taken from their accounts and Tesco had to pay out around £2.5m to those customers so they didn’t lose cash - but it says it’s now taken every step to ensure accounts are secure.” 

Npower recently announced a staggering 15 per cent rise in its energy prices - with a 15 per cent increase for electricity and a three per cent increase on gas. 

Appearing on This Morning, Martin said: “Energy companies didn’t rise prices last year. This was because they tried to stop people switching in the winter, when customers are the most likely to move, by freezing prices. 

“Instead, they are raising prices starting from now until April.” 

Martin Lewis: Tesco Bank savings interestITV

Martin Lewis: Tesco Bank is promising the rate won't all below three per cent until 2019

Comparing the prices before and after the hike, Martin said: “The standard bill would have been £887 and is now £1,187, which is £300 higher. 

“The cheapest tariff on the market is £840, which is a shocking difference. 

“But despite the savings to be made, two thirds of people in this country don’t switch. 

“I say it all the time - use a switching service, or at the very least, make sure you are on the cheapest tariff with your energy company. 

“If you can't use the internet, you can call price comparison sites to do it over the phone.” 

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