EXPOSED: Almost half of gamers confess to virtually cheating on their real life partners

CHEATING doesn’t just happen in real life, as almost half of gamers confess to having virtually cheated on their partners - and the virtual relationships last four months, on average.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Couple catch each other cheating at the SAME time

It would appear that gamers are prone to a whole other kind of entertainment while online, as results of a new study reveal that almost half have confessed to virtually cheating on their real life partners before - having online relations, exchanging nude photos and having ‘webcam sex’. 

A team at conducted the poll as part of ongoing research into how technology has affected the modern day relationship. 

A total of 2,372 British adults were polled in the study, all of whom were aged 18 and over, were in a long-term relationship and labelled themselves as a ‘regular gamer’. 

Initially all respondents were asked if they were currently happy in their relationship, to which 87 per cent stated that they were. 

Almost half of gamers confess to virtually cheating GETTY

Almost half of gamers confess to virtually cheating

It’s imperative that honesty is treated with utmost importance when it comes to long-term relationships for them to last and grow. Even if the person isn’t literally in from of you, if your emotions are elsewhere when you are in a long-term relationsh

Next, they were asked if they had ever made new friends while playing games online to which 74 per cent answered ‘yes’. 

They were then asked, ‘have you ever had a romantic fling or relationship with someone you’ve met online while gaming?’, to which 61 per cent stated they had. 

And delving deeper, researchers asked, ‘have you virtually cheated on your current partner with someone you’ve met online while gaming?’ - 46 per cent of participants admitted that they had. 

To further explore this, they were asked what virtual relations they had with the person they met online while gaming. 

Almost half of gamers confess to virtually cheating GETTY

Online cheating: 72 per cent of people polled said their partner didn't know

The following five answers emerged as the most popular responses: Our characters having sex/a relationship (41 per cent), sending ‘nudes’ to each other (35 per cent), becoming very close over time (24 per cent), dating each other online (12 per cent) and having webcam sex (7 per cent). 

Furthermore, 19 per cent stated that their virtual cheating had carried across into real life, and they had met up with their online romance. 

Next, participants were asked if they were still talking to the person they had a fling with online to which 28 per cent stated they were. 

The rest were asked how long they had continued their online relationship for - from this it emerged that the average length of these virtual affairs was four months. 

Almost half of gamers confess to virtually cheatingGETTY

Online cheating: 28 per cent said they were still talking to the person they had a fling with

Finally participants were asked if their real life partner knows about this virtual fling to which 72 per cent stated they did not. 

Spokesperson for, George Charles, emphasised the importance of honesty. 

He said: “It’s imperative that honesty is treated with utmost importance when it comes to long-term relationships for them to last and grow. Even if the person isn’t literally in front of you, if your emotions are elsewhere when you are in a long-term relationship, maybe it’s time to end it. 

“It’s also important to understand what your partner considers cheating. Some might be okay with flirting with others while you are online gaming but others might consider this disrespectful. Talk to each other and respect each other’s feelings.” 

If your partner does THIS then they are cheating on you. 

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