WATCH: Beauty blogger tries out a charcoal face mask but instantly REGRETS it

CHARCOAL face masks are the latest craze in the beauty world, guaranteed to remove all blackheads and skin impurities. But the product isn’t as glamorous as people think - as one blogger demonstrated.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Blogger shares HILARIOUS charcoal mask fail review

The beauty blogger decided to share a video review of how charcoal face masks work - but after covering their entire face with the thick black concoction, the nerves started to kick in. 

Speaking to the camera they said: “I’m actually quite afraid to pull this off and I’m trying to stall as long as I can, because it really hurts.” 

They ask their friend in the room if they can just wash it off, but they answer with a resounding ‘no’. 

After a few deep breaths they begin to remove the mask. 

Charcoal face mask failFACEBOOK

Charcoal face mask fail: The beauty blogger wasn't expecting this much pain

I’m actually quite afraid to pull this off and I’m trying to stall as long as I can, because it really hurts.

Only managing to peel a little bit back on the chin, they shout: “Oh God…oh my God. No exaggeration it really hurt.” 

They decide the only way it’s going to come off is if they rip parts of it off in short, quick bursts. 

But when they reach the lips, it all gets a bit too much. 

The friend is forced to step in, and when they’re not expecting it, starts ripping parts of the mask off. 

Charcoal face mask failFACEBOOK

Charcoal face mask fail: The blogger has to resort to help from their friend

Eventually, the friend manages to rip off the whole mask, with the blogger on the brink of tears. 

They hold their face to soothe the pain, before demonstrating everything the mask has managed to remove. 

“Pores, dead skin, hair, live skin….so it works.” 

The blogger exclaims how horrible the experience was, but still recommends people try it. 

Charcoal face mask failFACEBOOK

Charcoal face mask fail: The blogger is on the brink of tears by the end of the ordeal

They add: “What you guys should do after is close your pores out - that;s one thing that it tells you to do. 

“Use a toner, or cold water if you don’t have a toner.” 

They say pain is beauty but that literally became the case when another woman gave the charcoal face mask trend a go. 

Although her skin is left glowing by the end, the woman’s journey to skin perfection didn’t quite go the way she’d planned.

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