‘Macron grimaces at Hollande’s condescending actions’ Body language expert analyses leader

EMMANUEL MACRON won the second and final round of the French presidential election yesterday with a landslide victory, but how does he fair next to current president Francois Hollande?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Macron and Hollande body language AFP/Getty Images

Macron and Hollande body language: Who held the power at their meeting

Macron was elected with 65.5 per cent of the vote on a decidedly pro-EU platform on Sunday, and one of his first protocols as newly-elected French leader was to attend a ceremony to mark the end of World War II. 

The event took place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe, and also attending the event, by his side, was former president Francois Hollande. 

The pair were photographed standing next to each other on more than one occasion - but what did their body language have to say?

Body language expert Robin Kermode reveals what Hollande’s hand gestures and Macron’s facial expressions really mean. 

Macron and Hollande body language AFP/Getty Images

Image one: Hollande still trying to show he's in charge

Macron and Hollande body language AFP/Getty Images

Image two: A classic paternal gesture from Hollande

Hollande’s ushering/stewarding open hand gesture displays man trying to show he’s still in charge.

Image one 

Hollande’s ushering/stewarding open hand gesture displays man trying to show he’s still in charge. He also walks ahead of Macron as if to say ‘I know the way!’. Macron’s hands are firmly held down by his sides showing he’s deliberately not actively connecting. As Hollande places himself ahead, this gesture looks slightly clumsy and it shows he’s not entirely happy with the situation. 

Image two 

This is the classic paternal gesture - left hand on the back of the neck. It’s almost intimate and as a result looks condescending and controlling. Macron’s grimace says it all - the lip corners are flat, tight and fixed. The jaw is thrust forward in a passive aggressive gesture of resignation at the inappropriate intimacy of the gesture. Hollande shows shoulder tension going right through to the right hand as he highly grips Macron’s hand, although Macron tries to force a smile amid the controlling situation. 

Macron and Hollande body language AFP/Getty Images

Image three: Hollande is striding slightly ahead of Macron

Macron and Hollande body languageAFP/Getty Images

Image four: This time Macron has the upper hand

Image three 

Once again, Hollande is striding slightly ahead of Macron, as he attempts to dominate the situation, while Macron is turning his body away as he tries to distance himself. 

Image four and five

This time Macron has the upper hand - he is showing a genuine smile but it holding his chin slightly high to control the situation. Hollande’s left hand is wife showing he’s uncomfortable and his chest is pushed out as he attempts to look strong.

Macron and Hollande body language AFP/Getty Images

Image five: Macron is deliberately keeping out of range

Image six 

Here, Macron is deliberately keeping out of range. He avoids eye contact and his hands are resolutely not going to engage with Hollande. This picture shows the gulf between them. 

Robin Kermode is a popular keynote speaker and one of Europe’s leading communication coaches. He if the founder of Zone2, a professional training and coaching consultancy - www.zone2.co.uk. 

Robin is also the author of Speak So Your Audience Will Listen - a practical guide for anyone who has to speak to another human being - http://amzn.to/IUv1RD. 

Body language expert, Darren Stanton, has also revealed what Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s kiss really says. 

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