Martin Lewis: Could the Money Saving Expert run for Prime Minister?

MARTIN LEWIS could run for Prime Minister - according to Twitter.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Martin Lewis Prime MinisterGETTY

Martin Lewis: Could the Money Saving Expert be Prime Minister?

The Money Saving Expert has a reputation for helping people slash their household bills, offering the best advice when it comes to holidays, and informing people of weekly money saving deals. 

But on Tuesday he was tweeted by one of his fans who suggested he run for Prime Minister. 

The tweet read: “Please form your own party & run for prime minister…” 

The 45-year-old was quick to reply, but much to the disappointment of many of his followers, he declined the offer. 

Martin Lewis Prime MinisterGETTY

Martin Lewis: Fans on Twitter suggested he set up his own party

Please form your own party & run for prime minister…

He said: “I far prefer to push a single pro consumer agenda than be responsible for balancing all disparate interests of society. So sorry but no.” 

Many supported the idea of Martin becoming Prime Minister. 

One of his followers tweeted: “Martin lewis…more use to the people of GB than any 50 politicians!!” 

Another said: “This is true. Martin has made more money than any government.” 

Martin Lewis shares his top tips on overdrafts

Someone else added: “Me too. Knocked £1,000’s a year off my household bills. The man’s a genius.” 

Some of his followers even suggested a party name. 

One man tweeted: “The Money Saving Looney Party!” 

While Martin may not become PM anytime soon, one Twitter user suggested another candidate. 

Martin Lewis Prime MinisterGETTY

Martin Lewis: Twitter users said he'd made more money than any government

Someone replied: “I actually think @IamSairaKhan would be a great PM after her performance on @loosewomen yesterday. Definitely have my vote.”

Martin Lewis’ money saving advice this week included how to properly manage your overdraft. 

With overdraft costs increasing, some people risk paying hundreds of pounds a month - busting your limit can be worse than a payday loan. 

So Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis answered the most frequently asked questions about overdrafts and revealed his best tips when it comes to managing one. 

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