WATCH: Bride demonstrates how NOT to throw a bouquet in wedding video

WEDDINGS are full of plenty of traditions such as the tossing of the bouquet, but one bride demonstrated in a video which has gone viral how not to throw the flowers.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Bride accidentally throws bouquet at bridesmaid in hilarious toss

In a video clip uploaded to YouTube, the bride was ready and raring to go for the toss and decided to warm up with a few knee bounces. 

All the wedding guests in the room were watching, ready for the momentous occasion, and a gaggle of women waited in anticipation to see who would be lucky enough to catch the bouquet. 

After gathering some momentum the bride threw the flowers over her shoulder - but she never could have predicted what happened next. 

The bouquet flew through the air at some speed and caught all the waiting women by surprise.

Wedding video: How not to throw a bouquetYOUTUBE

Wedding video: One bride has demonstrated how not to throw a bouquet

After gathering some momentum the bride threw the flowers over her shoulder - but she never could have predicted what happened next.

The blooms didn’t gain much height from the throw, and headed straight towards one of the women’s heads. 

It landed right in one woman’s face, and the hit was so unexpected it thew her to the floor. 

Half of the women gasped and put their hands over their mouths in astonishment, while others rushed to the woman’s side. 

Luckily, the woman escaped unharmed, and she was helped up by some of the bridesmaids. 

Wedding video: How not to throw a bouquetYOUTUBE

Wedding video: After gathering some momentum the bride tossed the flowers over her shoulder

What should have been a symbol of good luck, turned out to be very unlucky. 

Wedding videos are the perfect way to capture the big day, and for one couple, just how magical their first dance really was

Another YouTube video which has gone viral shows a bride and groom’s incredible first dance - with magic tricks galore. 

The young couple take to the centre of the dance floor and begin to perform what can only be described as an out of the ordinary first dance. 

Wedding video: How not to throw a bouquetYOUTUBE

Wedding video: Unfortunately the bouquet hit one of the bridesmaids, knocking her to the ground

During the dance the bride performs a spell on the groom. 

She waves a hand by his ear a couple of times before he starts to fall backwards. 

Instead of catching him and pulling him back up, she carefully places him into a position where his body is almost in the shape of a right angle. 

For most, this would be an impossible position to stay in. But the bride moves away and the groom doesn’t budge. 

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