Queen Elizabeth II is franchise owner of THIS UK McDonald’s Drive-Thru

QUEEN ELIZABETH II has many hidden facts people don’t know about, including being owner of a McDonald’s franchise.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Queen Elizabeth II McDonald'sGETTY

Queen Elizabeth II owns a McDonald's franchise in Slough

Back in 2008, one of the 91-year-old royal’s acquisitions was a retail park in Slough, which includes a drive-through McDonalds. 

Bath Road Retail Park was bought in June that year by the Crown Estate. 

The real estate business administers the monarch’s property portfolio, and the retail park was purchased for a whopping £92 million. 

The site is visible from the Queen’s State Apartments at Windsor Castle. 

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Queen Elizabeth II: The Crown Estate acquired the retail park in 2008

Back in 2008, one of the 91-year-old royal’s acquisitions was a retail park in Slough, which includes a drive-through McDonalds.

Also at the time of the purchase, the retail park was home to a B&Q superstore, and branches of Comet, JJB Sports and Morthercare. 

The Crown Estate told The Telegraph: “We are a reliable purchaser in this difficult market.”

While the Queen is technically owner of the McDonald’s, it’s unlikely she’ll be visiting it anytime soon. 

The purchase was good news for the shops in the area because having the Queen as landlady means the future of the site is secure. 

Other things you may not know about Queen Elizabeth II is how she uses certain objects to communicate with others. 

It turns out her accessories are as inherent to her as crowns, hats and corgis as she uses them to signal to others what she wants to do

According to royal historian Hugo Vickers, Hugo Vickers, she twists her wedding ring to signal to her staff she’s ready to move on from a conversation quickly, and wants them to intervene. 

And it doesn’t stop there - she also uses her bag to indicate she’s ready to end chat. 

Queen Elizabeth II McDonald'sGETTY

Queen Elizabeth II: The retail park was purchased for a whopping £92 million

Hugo told People magazine that in order to signal this, the Queen shifts her bag from one hand to the other. 

She’s also been known to place her bag on a table at events to signal that she’s ready to leave. 

It was also revealed earlier this year that Her Majesty spends more than a tenner on just one pair of socks.

According to Business Insider, the Queen buys her socks from a company called Corgi Hosiery Ltd - an appropriate brand, given her love of that particularly breed. 

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