Women who carry THIS trait are more likely to cheat on their men

CHEATING partners have been found to carry certain traits according to a new study.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Women who describe themselves as ‘lonely’, ‘virile’ and are housewives are more likely to cheat.

Men who are tall, smart and rich are more likely to carry out infidelity, according to the latest findings by dating website for married people IllicitEncounters.com. 

The site studied more than 10,000 profiles to find out what common traits link to create the archetypal cheat. 

And the most common trait among cheating women was actually their job. 

Women cheaters carry this trait

Women cheaters apparently carry certain traits (Image: GETTY)

The most common trait among cheating women was actually their job.

As many as 30 per cent of all women on IllicitEncounters.com describe themselves as lonely. 

This was followed by the 27 per cent of women who described themselves with terms such as ‘virile’ and finally, housewives, who make up 20 per cent of all female profiles on the site. 

For cheating men, their most common trait was wealth, with references to being rich, wealthy or affluent appearing in a staggering 45 per cent of all profiles. 

This was followed by height. To be exact, 40 per cent of all male profiles on the site were 6ft or taller. 

Women cheaters carry this trait

Women cheaters tend to describe themselves as 'lonely' and 'virile' (Image: GETTY)

Finally, intelligent men who were educated to at least a university degree level made up as much as 38 per cent of all profiles on the site, indicating that smarter men are more likely to cheat. 

The site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explained: “Our results show that men have a tough time suppressing their ego. 

“Tall, affluent, smart - these men have it all…or at least, they think they can have it all. They want to have their cake and eat it too, and that includes having as many relationships as they see fit. 

“Not to mention, as a smart, wealthy and tall man, you’re more likely to be attracting female attention, whether you like it or not, which only serves to fuel their ego and make them consider an affair as a plausible option. 

Women cheaters carry this trait

Men who cheat tend to be tall, smart and rich (Image: GETTY)

“Women on the other hand, paint a different story altogether. Your typical cheating woman isn’t driven by arrogance, ego or lust, but by a sense of loneliness thanks to a lack of satisfaction in her marriage. 

“This loneliness is further compounded for housewives, who potentially spend hours alone, only to further be neglected when their husbands come home.” 

Cheating partners are also most likely to meet up with their bit on the side on a certain day of the year, according to other research by IllicitEncounters.com. 

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