WATCH: Spanish Miss Universe contestant attempts elegant twirl but then THIS happens

VIDEO captured a beauty queen contestant taking part in Miss Universe Spain, giving everything she had, but her attempt to impress the judges didn’t quite go to plan.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Miss Universe contestant falls into swimming pool

Representing the central Spanish province of Caceres was contestant Pilar Magro. 

In the clip which has now gone viral, Pilar, along with other contestants line-up beside a swimming pool and take it in turns to walk in front of the judges. 

The woman before Pila walks confidently in her high heels, and with the competition high it’s soon Pila’s turn to give everything she’s got. 

In attempt to impress she decides to perform a twirl during her walk. 

Spanish Miss Universe falls in pool YOUTUBE

Beauty pageant queen fail: The Spanish contestant was aiming to impress

Unfortunately she performs the manoeuvre too close to the side of the pool.

But all doesn’t quite go to plan. 

As she approaches the judging panel, Pila places her hands on her hips and does a quick turn. 

Unfortunately she performs the manoeuvre too close to the side of the pool. 

Before she even has time to complete the 360 degree spin, she slips into the water. 

Spanish Miss Universe falls in pool YOUTUBE

Beauty pageant queen fail: The woman attempted to do a twirl but it didn't end as she expected

Pila’s full body plunges into the pool and the girls behind rush to see how she is. 

The slip-up may have cost Magro the titles as it was eventually given to Sofia del Prado of Castilla La Mancha. 

The video was uploaded to Imgur and users were quick to comment. 

One joked: “Taking the swimsuit competition up a notch.” 

Spanish Miss Universe falls in pool YOUTUBE

Beauty pageant queen fail: The contestant ended up plunging straight into the pool

Many of us have been victim to the odd poolside blunder. 

Whether it was a quick nip slip or getting stuck in a rubber ring, most of the time people are too busy basking in the Sun to notice. 

But unfortunately for one bikini-clad woman, all eyes were on her when her poolside mishap took place. 

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