Dating tips for men and women: THIS body language sign suggests your date isn’t in to you

DATING sites are one of the most popular ways for men and women of all ages to find love these days, but if you find yourself on a blind date how can you tell if your potential partner is in to you?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

How you can tell if your date isn't interested in you

There are a number of body language signs you can look out for which suggest they are not in to you. 

From overacting to being more interested in their mobile phone, author and body language expert Judi James has revealed the signals you need to look out for so you do not waste your time. 

Judi explained you tend to get one of two extremes and it depends very much on how polite they are. 

She said: “But when we’re dating somebody it’s normally a difficult performance for them because dates tend to be in quite a confined space, so either you’re sitting together in a bar or you’re sharing dinner together, so you’ve kind of got nowhere to go or nowhere to hide." 

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Dating tips for men and women: Look out for these body language signs to tell they're not interested

There are a number of body language signs you can look out for which suggest they are not in to you.

If they’re polite...

So if they’re quite polite you might see what are known as over congruent body language rituals, and that means loads of interest in what you’re saying, lots of eye contact, lots of raised eyebrows, smiling, over congruent laughter when you saying anything remotely funny. 

What they’re doing is the biggest fake display because they’re just trying to get it over and done with and be as polite as possible so they can clear off and get back to their social media or dating sites. 

So if it feels a bit overdone, if it feels a bit overacted, that probably means that they’re more particularly into you. 

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Dating tips for men and women: Watch out for overacting - raised eyebrows and lots of eye contact

If they’re overtly rude..

When you get people who are overtly rude, this means they might start off using some eye contact and using a few flirt rituals, but as they realise they’re not really getting anywhere or they’re not keen you get a lack of attachment signals. 

So you’ll begin to see a little bit of an eye dart - one side to the other - to see if there’s anyone else more interesting that might fancy them. 

Also you tend to see rituals that involve the phone. Suddenly they’re very interested in the phone, they start even texting people. 

Also look for metronomic signals such as foot tapping, drumming their fingers on the table, tapping a finger at the side of their face. These all suggest lack of interest. 

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Dating tips for men and women: If they look at their phone and text that could also be a bad sign

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