Five commonly ‘botched’ DIY jobs to avoid at home - could ‘double’ the cost

Fixing an issue at home with some DIY is cheaper and quicker than hiring a professional to do the job. However, some jobs should be left to the pros and could cause more damage if done at home.

By Sophie Harris, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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Toolstation spoke to various tradespeople to identify which tasks Britons should not try at home. According to the tradespeople, they have had to fix botched jobs during their career, with 30 percent stating it is a monthly occurrence. Some “common botched jobs” include fixing leaks, plumbing in appliances, plumbing in bathrooms and as well as changing taps. With the festive holiday just around the corner, many may be opting for DIY during this period and so it is important to know where and when to get professional help.

When asked what kind of jobs they do not recommend Britons trying at home, the experts said anything involving water, electrical installations and gas work should be avoided altogether.

More than a third of tradespeople said a botched job could add another £100 to £500 on top of the price, due to the extra work that needs doing. 

1. Fixing leaks

Jamie, owner of Billabong Plumbing & Gas Services, said: “When money is tight, people will often resort to attempting plumbing jobs themselves to save money, but it can end up costing them more in the long run.” 

“They then have to pay for my time to correct the problem, replacement parts and the cost to repair the damage, which is a lot more expensive than paying me to do the job in the first place.”


Five commonly ‘botched’ DIY jobs to avoid at home - could ‘double’ the cost

Five commonly ‘botched’ DIY jobs to avoid at home - could ‘double’ the cost (Image: Getty)

2. Plumbing in appliance

The expert said the most common jobs people attempt using DIY for include fitting their own radiators, fitting taps and installing electric showers.

However, when these jobs go wrong, it often results in leaks and water damage. Jamie added: “This is when I get a panicked call from a customer asking for help.”

Appliances can be expensive to begin with, so it is worth seeking professional help or advice before attempting to fit it to avoid hefty costs.

3. Plumbing in bathrooms and kitchens

Lorenzo, who is a heating engineer, said: “I am often called by people who have had a go at plumbing in a toilet in a downstairs loo. 



“I think because it is seen as a small job and there are lots of YouTube tutorials, people feel confident having a go. 

“The issues usually arise if they haven’t got the correct tools or an understanding of how a toilet functions.”

4. Changing taps

A spokesperson from Toolstation explained: “If you’ve spent £100 on new taps and make a mistake fitting them yourself, you’re going to have to pay around another £110 to £130 for a professional to fix the problem, and that’s if the issue is just with the taps. 

“Attempting to fix it yourself could mean double the cost compared to if you just called a plumber in the first place.” This is relevant to taps all over the home, not just those found in the bathroom.


Woman on the phone contacting a plumber about a leak

Britons should seek professional help if they have a leak (Image: Getty)

Common problems when not fitting a tap properly involve tightening fittings too much, or not enough, as well as not using the right tools.

5. Painting and decorating

Ollie said getting called out for a botched job sometimes adds another day of work onto the overall project because he has to prep the area and remove anything the person had done already.

According to the plasterer, this could add another £150 to £200 on top of the original price of the job. For the extra time and money that botched jobs cost Britons, it may be better to hire a professional in the first place.

Jobs involving water, electricity and gas should be avoided by those that don’t have the experience, tools, or knowledge levels necessary to do the job. 

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Jobs like this come with huge risks if done incorrectly and so they should be left to those who know exactly what they are doing.

Thirty percent of the trade experts who spoke to Toolstation stated that they fix mistakes at least monthly, sometimes even more frequently. 

Half of the trade experts said they often turn down jobs due to the state of the job at hand. 

DIY jobs which can be done at home throughout the winter months include painting, hanging pictures as well as replacing a light fitting.

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