British housing CON - ‘shoebox’ homes being sold for INFLATED prices

THE UK is in the midst of a housing crisis, suffering a shortage of existing property, as well as construction not keeping up with demand.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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British housing crisis: Homes at the moment are smaller than ever and being sold for inflated prices

In turn, house prices are skyrocketing at a rate far higher than relative earnings in the UK. 

With demand extremely high, and not enough properties available, developers have seized the opportunity to sell sub-standard housing for inflated prices. 

Furthermore, councils are approving ex-commercial property to be converted into ‘micro homes’, sized between 13 and 16sq m, the size of an average bedroom, a substantially worrying statistic for UK homeowners. investigated the regulations for property sizes in the UK, and assessed the guidelines which came into force in 2015, requiring flats to be at least 37sq m, and sets out minimum guides on new homes.

However, the Government has relaxed the planning regulations to allow the conversion of office buildings into residential property, without needing to abide by minimum size standards. 

British housing

British housing crisis: Average house sizes in the UK are shown on this map

I have one half of the loft of an old terraced house, which measures about 13m2 altogether so it’s pretty tiny. And as I live in the loft, fitting in furniture can be tricky.

As a result, found that these buildings fall far below the recommended size. 

Last year ex-commercial property provided 12 per cent of new homes in England, a significant rise for the market. 

The findings revealed that the average three bedroom house in the UK is just 88sq m, if you exclude properties in London. 

The recommended size of new homes (three bedroom) as stipulated is 93sq m. 

The results had identified that Yorkshire has the smallest homes, at an average of just 84sq m (three bedroom), and London has the largest at 108.5sq m, although London continually witnesses a decrease in homes adhering to the average size, compared to four years ago. Despite this, London properties are still larger than the minimum recommended size. 

Interestingly, albeit the average property size in London being above average, UK homes in general are below the regulatory minimum size. investigated the size of British homes compared to Europe and found the UK has among the smallest homes across Europe and the smallest size regulatory allowances. 

Even other countries with dense populations such as the Netherlands and Germany have substantially larger homes (115.5sq m and 109.2sq m respectively). However, those who live in Denmark enjoy the roomiest homes, with an average abode measuring 137sq m, and coincidentally, Denmark frequently tops the ‘happiest country’ chart. 

However, for some residents in the UK, micro-homes are ideal, as they are often cheaper to rent, and a lot smaller to maintain. spoke to Claudia, 25, a textile designer from Brighton who lives in a micro-flat that measures a mere 13sq m. 

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British housing crisis: On the other hand, there is a rising culture in spending less time at home

She said: “I have one half of the loft of an old terraced house, which measures about 13sq m altogether so it’s pretty tiny. And as I live in the loft, fitting in furniture can be tricky. I was at the end of my tenancy contract for my last flat, and needed somewhere affordable to live immediately. Fortunately, the rent is really cheap and I have good views overlooking Brighton. The negative of the flat is that I’m spending a lot more time working from home than I had anticipated when I originally moved in, and working in such a cramped space can be really difficult.

"I have a pretty big knitting machine, which takes up a lot of room in what is already a small space, so it’s very crowded. However, if I wasn’t working from home, I’d have no trouble at all making this flat work, it’s just important to be a bit more selective about items you want versus items you need.”

Robby du Toit of Sell House Fast said: “We are seeing smaller spaces for individual homeowners and families, living in tighter homes, as consumers are forced to accept what the market offers. They are prepared to accept less than they want, because house prices are substantially high. 

"On the other hand, there is a rising culture in spending less time at home, especially for the young where the house is just a house – somewhere to sleep, eat and leave important possessions. For such populations, these homes are ideal. However, for families who need substantial space these homes are not viable and the lack of suitable options out there is making people delay buying their own home and having children etc.”

Sarah Beeny recently revealed what effect the General Election this year will have on property prices. 

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