Phil Spencer Find Me a Home: Property expert finds THIS solution for homeless family

PHIL SPENCER: FIND ME A HOME sees the Location, Location, Location presenter search for homes on behalf of low paid families and the young who are amongst the victims of the nationwide housing crisis.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Phil Spencer tells young couple they might have a new home

In this week’s episode, Phil visited Corvel and Meyrem, a hard-working couple from Southwark in London who faced eviction from their one bedroom cockroach and rat-infested flat. 

The family, with their young son, have lived around Southwark their entire life. 

But after living in private rental accommodation an being evicted, the family were declared homeless and re-housed in the Aylesbury Estate in Southwark, which Phil, 47 described as “dire”. 

Phil added: “The couple’s temporary shelter turned out to be the stuff of nightmares”. 

Phil SpencerCHANNEL 4

Phil Spencer Find Me a Home: The property expert looked to help Corvel and Meyrem from Southwark

It’s a lot worse than I expected.

The flat was infested with cockroaches and the estate is scheduled for demolition in December 2019 for a big re-generation project, meaning thousands of the estate’s residents, including Corvel and Meyrem, will have nowhere to live. 

The couple were also paying £903 a month to live in the one-bedroom flat, and were not claiming benefits because they are both employed.

Phil said: “It’s a lot worse than I expected. 

“This couple are doing everything right, going to work, paying taxes, yet this quality of accommodation is awful. 

Phil Spencer CHANNEL 4

Phil Spencer Find Me a Home: The property expert said the conditions at the flat were "dire"

“They’re in an impossible situation. They could stay here for another two years in hope that the council will find them another home, but there are thousands of people here.” 

Phil contacted Southwark Council who said it was very sorry about the conditions in the flat, but demand for housing far outweighs supply. 

On his search for a new home for the couple, Phil discovered the couple had been missing out on benefits - they were actually entitled £376 a month. 

But after searching far and wide in Southwark for somewhere the family could live, even with a slightly higher budget, Phil found nothing. 

Phil SpencerCHANNEL 4

Phil Spencer Find Me a Home: In the end the couple were bumped up the council housing waiting list

But just as things started to look down for the family, Phil found another solution - a London Community Land Trust (CLT) project. 

Their projects look to find people in a similar position to Corvel and Meyrum a permanently affordable home, meaning the price is linked directly to the average local wage. 

Phil and the couple went to visit one CLT project in Southwark. While standard two bedroom flats in the accommodation were being sold for £600,000, a couple of two bedroom flats being sold under CLT were priced at £182,000. 

All the couple would need to secure a place is a connection to the area, community involvement, the finances and to demonstrate their need for housing. 

While this a possible goal for the couple to work towards, it was not an immediate solution to their housing crisis. 

Luckily, property guru Phil got in touch with Southwark Council, and soon after, was contacted by them to say the couple had been moved to the top of the housing list and made priority. 

He said: “The light is at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel will be a maximum of six months. 

“It’s uncertain whether me getting in touch with the council made any difference, but what is certain, is council are under considerable pressure. We got a result but thousands of thousands of people are desperate for a secure home and still waiting.”

Phil Spencer recently spoke about his experience on Find Me a Home

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