Windows 10 cull: Every feature that Microsoft plans to remove from your PC

MICROSOFT has decided to have a spring clean… in December. The company has earmarked a number of apps and features built into its Windows 10 operating system to be removed from the software in the coming months. But is your favourite feature set to be ditched?

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Windows 10 Update

Microsoft is sending some Windows 10 features to the graveyard ahead of next year (Image: GETTY • MICROSOFT)

Microsoft is always introducing new features into its hugely-successful Windows 10 operating system. In fact, the Redmond-based company is already testing a series of features set to be added early next year, including the ability to submit written queries to Cortana – instead of always having to ask out loud. There’s also the ability to redownload the entire Windows 10 operating system in a pinch from the cloud, and a new version of Notepad that will now be updated through the Microsoft Store.

And that's not the only thing Windows users need to worry about. Microsoft has pushed out an update to its Office software suite – with  and instal malware, or siphon off credit or debit card details.

Microsoft is also pretty ruthless when it comes to dropping features from Windows 10 when it isn’t happy. The company has updated the list of features currently on the chopping block. Top of that list is the My People app (also know as “People” within the operating system).

This app, which is now listed as “No Longer In Development” by Microsoft, can be found on the right-hand side of the taskbar along the bottom of your screen where it’s represented by a small icon of two grey figures. The app is designed to bring together your contact lists from various accounts so that you can quickly search for someone you need to contact – whether it’s with a text message, a Skype call, or a professional email.

Sound useful? Yeah, that’s what we thought too. But according to data from Microsoft, which keeps tabs on how Windows 10 owners are using the software to try to make improvements to the most popular features and remove resources from those not getting any attention, nobody was using the My People app.

That’s led Microsoft to announce on its Windows 10 depreciated features list, “My People is no longer being developed. It may be removed in a future update.”


Windows 10 Dead Apps

My People app has already been earmarked for the first cull of 2020 by Microsoft (Image: MICROSOFT)

As it stands, My People still survives in the latest  Windows 10 November 2019 update. However, with all of the other features in the pipeline for Windows 10 next year, it could be the last straw for My People. Of course, the decision to cull the app isn’t final.

Microsoft has changed its mind in the past, most famously with the iconic Paint app. Although it’s not used very often, the app is something of a landmark for passionate Windows fans and a ferocious backlash online forced Microsoft to back-off and reinstate the app in its popular operating system. Call us pessimists, but it seems unlikely there will be the same level of passion and campaigning for the My People app to return in a future version of Windows 10.

Here's what you should do after a Windows 10 upgrade

It’s not just My People that’s slowly marching towards the gallows. There is also Windows To Go, which enabled Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education to create a bootable workspace that can be loaded-up from a USB external hard drive. The Print 3D app is also earmarked to be culled with Microsoft now pushing users to use 3D Builder to print in three-dimensions from the operating system.

OneSync, an app designed to synchronise data for Mail, Calendar and My People, is also set to meet its maker now that the same functionality is found in Outlook.

And finally, the Snipping Tool – used to take screenshots – is no longer being actively developed by Microsoft. Like a lot of the entries on this list, it’s primarily because the functionality is now found elsewhere, with the Snip and Sketch tool duplicating the same functionality.

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