Google Home will finally fix a frustrating glitch that has been around for years

GOOGLE has acknowledged a frustrating Bluetooth glitch inside its Google Home speakers that makes playing music from your smartphone almost impossible. Despite reports of the issue first arising more than two years ago, a fix is now on the way.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Google Home Speakers Bluetooth Broken

Users are complaining about broken Bluetooth connectivity in Google Home speakers (Image: GETTY • GOOGLE)

Google has finally acknowledged that its Home speakers have an issue with Bluetooth connections. Despite customers bemoaning the issue for more than a year, Google has only just spoken out about the Bluetooth problems.

According to customers, the issue crops up whenever you connect to a Google Home speaker over Bluetooth to play music, or listen to a podcast. After a few minutes, the Google Home will drop the Bluetooth connection for no reason.

In order to start listening to your track again, you’ll need to head back into your smartphone settings and manually reconnect to the Google Home all over again. Frustratingly, there’s no set time after which the issue kicks-in. Some users report Bluetooth issues after the first few minutes, while others say it can take as much as 15 minutes for problems to arise.

Either way, this is something that has been known for some time. Users have been flagging the problem to Google since 2019, AndroidPolice reports.

But earlier this week, the support team working on the Google Nest social media account acknowledged the issue in response to a miffed customer who wrote: “People are begging you guys for help on the forums with people commenting the same issue and few as 1 hour ago and nobody from Google is getting back to us.

"This ALL started happening late January to present.”

The official Nest account replied: “We're sorry for the trouble! Our team is already aware of this and we're working on a fix, we'll bubble this up to our team and check back in once we have an update. Hang tight!”


Thankfully the issue doesn’t appear to impact streaming music to Google Home over Wi-Fi. So, you’ll be able to use the Cast button inside your Spotify app to beam your favourite album to Google Home speakers around the house without any issue.

Likewise, you’ll still be able to summon the Google Assistant – using the voice command “Hey, Google” – and ask the AI to play a favourite track, or radio station without any issue.

The Bluetooth issue affects the standard Google Home smart speaker as well as the Google Home Mini.

Fingers crossed that Google doesn’t take much longer to sort the feature so those who want to use Bluetooth can listen to more than a brief snippet of a playlist before having to re-pair all over again.

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