After Sky TV, Disney+ and Netflix, now PS4 is making drastic changes to your downloads

SONY PS4 owners across the UK and Europe will face slower download speeds for the foreseeable future. It's the latest in a string of measures introduced by technology companies to desperately try to alleviate some pressure on the UK broadband network.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Sony PS4 Download Speed Drop Slow

PlayStation 4 players will have to endure slower download speeds over the coming weeks (Image: UNSPLASH)

PlayStation 4 owners will face longer waits to download updates, patches and new titles from the PlayStation Store as Sony tries to reduce some of the strain exerted by its players on the broadband network, which is being tested as millions of people work from home or self-isolate to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. COVID-19, which has already resulted in the deaths of some 20,000 people across the globe, is forcing people to stay home throughout the day – with the Government only advising people go outside for a very limited number of reasons.

Sony Interactive Entertainment president Jim Ryan announced the latest change from the company. Ryan stated Sony is "working with internet service providers in Europe to manage download traffic to help preserve access for the entire internet community." But while downloads for new game patches, updates, new games purchased in the PlayStation Store and software updates for the system itself will likely be restricted to the new slower speeds, online gameplay doesn't appears to be impacted.

"Players may experience somewhat slower or delayed game downloads but will still enjoy robust gameplay," Jim Ryan clarified in a blog post. "We appreciate the support and understanding from our community, and their doing their part, as we take these measures in an effort to preserve access for everyone."

"We believe it is important to do our part to address internet stability concerns as an unprecedented number of people are practising social distancing and are becoming more reliant on internet access," the Sony Interactive Entertainment chief added.


Sony PS4 Download Speed Drop Slow

Updates to PS4 and PS3 games, as well as new purchases from the PS Store will see slower speeds (Image: PLAYSTATION)

The unprecedented steps from Sony for PlayStation owners across the UK and Europe follow similar measures . All of which have pledged to drop streaming quality in a bid to alleviate some of the strain on the broadband infrastructure as millions work from home and self isolate to try and stop the spread of the novel coronavirus and flatten the curve of the virus to buy NHS workers and vaccine researchers more time.

. The decision was made following a request from the EU Commissioner and CEO Reed Hastings after politicians raised concerns about the ability for broadband connections to cope with the increased connections.

Although some as millions were told to social distance themselves from others and bars, restaurants, theatres, gyms, leisure centres and other venues were shuttered, that has yet to happen. However, a number of software solutions to improve working from home – – have struggled with the increased demand over the last week or so.

Disney+, which launched earlier this week to huge fanfare, has already promised to cut its streaming quality in a bid to reduce stress on fibre cables across the continent.

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