Meet Jibo: The real-life Wall-E to join the family in your home

IMAGINE walking through your door after a hard days work only to be greeted by the swivelling, blinking face of a robot – who politely welcomes you back home, reminds you of any missed calls, tracks your movements across the room and suggests a local take-away as you collapse into the sofa.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

JIBO- The World's First Family Robot

This is the future envisioned by the creators of Jibo, a round-faced Wall-E-like personal robot currently being funded on crowd-sourcing site IndieGoGo.

Demonstrated in a sci-fi-esque promotional film, the personable 'round-faced 'bot spins and swivels – tracking the owner's face and movements with two high-definition cameras – which it can then use to take photos and conduct Skype calls.

Speaking in a calm if slightly-squeeky voice, the Jibo gazes up at the user and informs them of any missed calls or upcoming reminders and appears to be able to hold an intelligible conversation.

Less Terminator, more 'Rosie the robot maid' from The Jetsons, Jibo has the ability to learn and will tailor its exchanges with the person it is watching with its camera based on past interactions.

Jibo is a round-faced robot that plans on becoming your friendly personal assistant  Jibo is a round-faced robot that plans on becoming your friendly personal assistant [YOUTUBE / JIBO]

The first Jibo's will adorn mantlepieces, coffee tables and bedside cabinets – chirping away with their owners from late next year

It's this natural level of conversation that the company behind the 'bot refers to time and time again demonstrating their creation – which costs a cool $499 (£300) contribution to pre-order – as Siri with a friendly face.

The first Jibo's will adorn mantlepieces, coffee tables and bedside cabinets – chirping away with their owners from late next year.

In the meantime, the developers appear keen on improving their childlike robotic helpers, expanding their potential by incorporating smarthome technology, in a move similar to those announced by Apple and Google earlier this year.

That means that Jibo will be able to turn down the heating and switch off your lights once your bid him a good night from the cosy comfort of your bed … but only if you'd like him to.

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