European Union accuses Google of rigging search results for financial gain

THE European Union has formally accused Google of abusing its dominance in Internet searches.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Google faces allegations it has abused its position as the dominant search engine GOOGLE•GETTY

Google faces allegations it has abused its position as the dominant search engine

The move by the European Union's executive branch also opens a probe into its the US company's hugely popular Android mobile operating system.

EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said she is "concerned that the company has given an unfair advantage to its own comparison shopping service."

Vestager confirmed a separate antitrust probe into Android will investigate whether the Search giant relies on anti-competitive deals and abuses its dominant position within the European smartphone market.

The EU has sought a settlement with Google for a number of years, but claims the Californian company has failed to fully address its concerns.

A formal antitrust investigation raises the stakes in the highest profile antitrust case in Europe and could lead to billions in fines for Google if the case shows the way it does business in the 28-country bloc is illegal.

When it comes to comparative shopping, the EU said it found that "Google gives systematic favourable treatment" to its in-house Google Shopping results at the expense of others in its general search results.

"It may therefore artificially divert traffic from rival comparison shopping services and hinder their ability to compete on the market," the EU confirmed in a statement.

Google has 10 weeks to respond to all the allegations.

Senior Vice President Google Search Amit Singhal said in a reaction that "while Google may be the most used search engine, people can now find and access information in numerous different ways - and allegations of harm, for consumers and competitors, have proved to be wide of the mark."

It is believed the EU's antitrust authority has been investigating reports of unfair practices since 2010.

The upcoming lawsuit could be similar to the antitrust charges recently filed against Google in the United States.

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) case – which did not go to court – ruled the online giant did not use anti-competitive methods to promote products within its search results.

After investigating Google’s practices for more than 18 months, the FTC ruled that “any negative impact on actual or perceived competitors was incidental to that purpose.”

Google's senior vice president and chief lawyer, Kent Walker, last week listed a number of failed products and services – including social network Google+ – as proof that his company does not use its monopoly as a search engine to secure further success in other areas.

The European Commission won a similar antitrust case against Microsoft in 2003 – which cost the Windows manufacturer $1.35billion (£911million).

A Q&A On The European Union's Complaint Against Google

The European Commission has confirmed it is filing a complaint to Google about antitrust and a breach of competition rules.

• What is Google actually being accused of?

Accusers claim that Google places videos from YouTube, reviews from Google+ and directions from Google Maps above links to rival services. Ads from the firm's own Adwords platform are also being included in the accusations, and the Commission has confirmed they will investigate this further.

Google's rivals are naturally not happy about this, and see it as anti-competitive behaviour.

There will also now be a further investigation into Google's mobile platform Android; looking into whether pre-installing apps like YouTube and Maps on devices hurts competition.

• Who made the complaints?

Some of the biggest names in technology are on the other side of the fence on this, with the likes of Microsoft and TripAdvisor claiming that Google is abusing its power. They object to the way search results are currently laid out, and want it changed.

• What happens now?

Now the objections have been released, the wrangling will begin. Google has said it will fight the claims, and this will escalate a process that could ultimately end up in court. With Google potentially having to pay millions of pounds - 10% of global turnover is the penalty - in fines that could total more than 4 billion.

A ruling of anti-competitive behaviour could also mean Google may have to restructure its search engine business in Europe, with a more varied split of results coming from different services appearing higher up the page.

All this though is not likely to happen quickly - with dialogue between Google and the EU expected to take place before any possible court action. Some experts are suggesting it could be up to two years before everything is finalised.

• How is Google responding to all this?

Robustly. In a memo to staff, Google said it had a "very strong case" that revolves around creating a better service for customers and actually increasing competition on services like Android, which also form part of the investigation.

This has since been reiterated in blog posts from senior executives, who have said they strongly disagree with the objections and will now make their case to the EU.

Interestingly, Google has made three separate proposals to resolve the case in the past, most recently just over a year ago when the search engine offered to give competing products and services bigger visibility on the site, as well as giving content providers and advertisers more freedom. This deal was initially accepted by the EU, only for the decision to be reversed six months later, with more concessions being demanded.

• Why is the EU fighting this so forcefully?

There is said to be a concern within the EU that US tech companies have become too dominant, and more should be done to aid the interests of European firms. German commissioner for the digital economy, Guenther Oettinger, has been a sharp critic of Google, and has spoken up for the interests of European tech and publishing firms in the past. He suggested an imminent announcement was due on Google earlier this week.

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