Happy Friday, enjoy a video of a man riding a half-scooter half-mechanical-centaur

AND its powered by a cordless 20V drill.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The invention was a chicken-like strut to its movements YOUTUBE

The invention was a chicken-like strut to its movements

Could this bizarre mechanical contraption be the next Segway?

You should see this thing get down and boogie with just one of the kids on it. It moves pretty quick

Izzy Swan

Created by inventor Izzy Swan – the convoluted personal transport system resembles a cross between a scooter and a mechanical centaur.

Dubbed the "walking machine" in the YouTube video, the invention is powered by a cordless drill.

The 20V DIY tool powers the metal legs, which stroll with a sassy attitude similar to the man from the ever-so-slightly-unsettling MoneySupermarket advert.

The chicken-like strut of the legs was inspired Dutch artist Theo Jansen, who created enormous PVC mechanism the Strandbeest which uses a similar system to walk on its own.

Watch the full video below – 

Inventor Swan claims his creation is capable of supporting 370 pounds.

"You should see this thing get down and boogie with just one of the kids on it. It moves pretty quick," he tells the camera.

The YouTube clip was already been viewed more than 118,500 times.

This crazy half scooter-half centaur was inspired by Dutch artist Theo Jansen YOUTUBE

This crazy half scooter-half centaur was inspired by Dutch artist Theo Jansen

One viewer commented: "Mate that was amazing! 

"I think you'll modify the front though, the back looks futuristic and awesome, and the front is a bit weird, the seat position looks awkward." 

Another simply added: "Are you Iron Man?"

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