Tech News Recap: UK WhatsApp BAN, Facebook takes a step towards gender equality

ALL THE biggest technology news from the past week, including – Apple places its’ biggest iPhone order to date, American adult entertainment firm releases its first interactive virtual reality film, Facebook takes a step towards gender equality and MUCH MORE.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice brings you all the biggest technology stories from the last weekEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS brings you all the biggest technology stories from the last week

Sky is giving away Fibre optic broadband

Wait – what's the catch?

Sky has announced it will be giving its super-fast fibre optic broadband for an entire year.

Starting tomorrow – customers who sign-up to Sky Fibre will avoid the £10per month fee the firm has previously charged for the fibre optic connection.

Perhaps best of all, the minimum contract term for the deal is only 12 months.

That means you can pay nothing for your speedy broadband connection for the entirety of your year-long contract.

Unfortunately – the Sky deal does not cut-out the mandatory monthly line rental charge of £16.40.

However this is the first time any major broadband provider has offered a whole year of fibre broadband at such a low price.

Sky is only charging customers line rental for the super fast fibre optic connection SKY

Sky is only charging customers line rental for the super fast fibre optic connection

It’s worth mentioning that the broadband included in the offer is not unlimited. Instead, you will be capped at a not-unreasonable 25GB each month.

If you fancy all-you-eat broadband, Sky is offering its Fibre Unlimited for £10 a month  – normally £20 a month – plus the line rental costs.

The firm says their latest deal offers a saving of £186.13 over a year when compared with the closest comparable services from BT.

Sky Broadband director Lyssa McGowan said: “We know there are lots of people who would like to try superfast speeds but are put off by the high prices charged by some providers.

"With this ground-breaking offer, we’re making Sky Fibre even more accessible. 

"Now superfast broadband is genuinely for everyone.”

The Facebook app that means you’ll never dare unfriend anyone again

The Who Deleted Me on Facebook app allows you to pinpoint the exact moment your Facebook friend ditched you.

Wondered where all your Facebook friends have gone?

A new app allows you to track the exact date and time your ex-friend decided to click the dreaded Unfriend button.

Exeter-based developer Anthony Kuske created the free iPhone, Android and Chrome plug-in FACEBOOK • IG

Exeter-based developer Anthony Kuske created the free iPhone, Android and Chrome plug-in

The free iOS and Android app is called Who Deleted Me on Facebook.

Created by Exeter-based developer Anthony Kuske, the smartphone app also reveals whether any of your Facebook friends' accounts have become deactivated and who is online.

The developer has also created a free plug-in for the Google Chrome browser.

Users have to securely sign-up to the app using their Facebook account.

The Who Deleted Me on Facebook app then breaks down your friends into a number of tabs, including New, You Deleted, Deleted You, Deactivated and Current.

Tapping on a friends' name will then launch their Facebook profile within the app.

The app also brands your contacts with a "last seen" timestamp so you can keep track of the last time they logged into Facebook.

Apple is (very) confident you want to buy its next iPhone

Apple has placed an order for a record number of iPhones with its manufacturing partners in China, according to a new report.

The Cupertino company has reportedly asked suppliers to manufacture 85 and 90 million units of the two refreshed models of iPhone.

CEO Tim Cook applauds as the first customers to buy the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus enter the Palo Alto shopGETTY

CEO Tim Cook applauds as the first customers to buy the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus enter the Palo Alto shop

The whopping smartphone order – reported by the Wall Street Journal – smashes all previous records held by the company.

Apple reportedly ordered around 75 million units of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, last year.

The iPhone manufacturer sold a record breaking 74 million smartphones in the three months following the phones release last year.

The successor to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will hit UK stores on September 24th – a date confirmed by a recent Vodafone leak.

Film your own Matrix slow motion bullet dodge with your smartphone

Keanu Reeves’ iconic slow-motion bullet dodge scene helped 1999 hit The Matrix clinch four Academy Awards.

The staggering special effect allowed a camera to pan around Keanu Reeve’s Neo as he evades bullets in slow-motion.

Bullet Time was replicated in more than 20 different films in the three years following the theatrical release of The Matrix.

CamSwarm allows smartphone owners to recreate the staggering Hollywood special effect WARNER BROS

CamSwarm allows smartphone owners to recreate the staggering Hollywood special effect

Until now The Matrix special effect required a Hollywood Blockbuster sized budget. But that could be about to change.

A new smartphone app developed by Columbia University researcher Yan Wong hopes to bring Bullet Time to the masses.

Dubbed CamSwarm – the app synchronises video footage filmed from multiple smartphones, held at different angles.

The app seamlessly blends one camera angle to the next, which creates the slow-motion revolving effect used in The Matrix.

CamSwarm recreates the Hollywood special effect by linking the smartphones together using a local wifi connection.

The app synchronises multiple smartphone camera angles and blends them togetherYOUTUBE

The app synchronises multiple smartphone camera angles and blends them together

The concept video shows QR codes being used to synchronise app users. 

The smartphone app then tracks the common subject before collecting and processing the various angles on a remote server.

US researcher Wong claims the app also employs gyroscopes and digital compass to work out changes in orientation.

The CamSwarm creator has tested the app with groups of up to 20 people.

However – groups of four smartphone users render the best results, he added.

CamSwarm, which is being trialled on Apple iPhones, is still under development and does not yet have a confirmed release date.

Facebook takes a step towards gender equality with its latest design refresh

Facebook designer Caitlin Winner has taken control of the social network’s icons to try to bring a little balance to the hugely popular service.

Have you ever looked closely at the Friends icon on Facebook?

Design manager Caitlin Winner certainly did.

The previous Friends icon, LEFT, and the refreshed symbol redesigned by Caitlin Winner, RIGHT FACEBOOK

The previous Friends icon, LEFT, and the refreshed symbol redesigned by Caitlin Winner, RIGHT

As a woman, educated at a women’s college, it was hard not to read into the symbolism of the current icon

Caitlin Winner

The Facebook designer has updated the small icon – which sits in the top right-hand corner of the Facebook banner – and placed the woman's silhouette in front of the man, for the first time in the social network's history.

Designer Ms Winner explained the change in a blog post:

"As a woman, educated at a women’s college, it was hard not to read into the symbolism of the current icon; the woman was quite literally in the shadow of the man, she was not in a position to lean in.

"My first idea was to draw a double silhouette, two people of equal sizes without a hard line indicating who was in front. 

"Dozens of iterations later, I abandoned this approach after failing to make an icon that didn’t look like a two headed mythical beast. 

"I placed the lady, slightly smaller, in front of the man."

Next, Ms Winner turned her attention to the group icon, which previously featured a group of three silhouettes – two men and a woman "sat in the back left behind the larger centred man".

Facebook's previous Group icon, LEFT, and the new version with the woman front and centre, RIGHTFACEBOOK

Facebook's previous Group icon, LEFT, and the new version with the woman front and centre, RIGHT

"It was an obvious refresh to use three unique silhouettes instead and, here again, I placed the lady first," the designer explains.

Finally – Ms Winner took the opportunity to refresh and update the hairstyles used for both genders.

"I was tempted to remove the Darth Vader-like helmet and give her hair some definition," she wrote on blog website Medium.

"In comparison to the new lady, the old man icon seemed stiff and outdated so I smoothed down his hair and added a slight slope to his shoulders."

Reflecting on her icon refresh, the design manager claims she is now "on high alert for symbolism".

But Caitlin Winner is not the first Facebook designer to have kickstarted a worldwide change from a "self initiated project" within the US company.

"Last year, designer Julyanne Liang worked with engineer Brian Jew to give the non-American half of the globe an accurate world view from the notification icon," Ms Winner adds.

"Since then they've added an Asia-centric globe, too.

"We all want to continue to make Facebook the best it can be, to have culture of doing rather than complaining, to grow a company where ideas can spread organically, and to build a platform that is relevant for people from it’s core features down to the smallest of icons."

The refreshed icons will roll out across Facebook over the coming weeks.

WhatsApp faces UK ban within weeks

WhatsApp could be BANNED nationwide in a matter of weeks under the 'Snoopers' Charter'.

Enjoy WhatsApp while you still can.

Britons could see the hugely popular cross-platform app BANNED under strict new laws on social media and online messaging services.

Prime Minister David Cameron is pressing ahead with new legislation that plans to stop people from sending any form of encrypted messages.

A slew of popular messaging services could be at risk, thanks to encryption of users' dataGETTY

A slew of popular messaging services could be at risk, thanks to encryption of users' data

A number of popular messaging services – including WhatsApp, iMessage and Snapchat – currently scramble communications between their users.

If the controversial new legislation is passed in the coming weeks all three services could be outlawed in the United Kingdom.

“In our country, do we want to allow a means of communication between people which we cannot read?” said Prime Minister Cameron earlier this year.

"My answer to that question is: 'No, we must not’.”

The news comes weeks after WhatsApp was named one of the worst apps for user privacy.

Private online communications will be opened-up by the Government's "Snooper's Charter" – or the Investigatory Powers Bill, to give the bill its full title – which requires internet service providers, phone companies and technology firms like Google, Apple, Facebook and WhatsApp keep a record of all of your activity.

David Cameron has spoken out against encrypted messaging services, like WhatsAppGETTY

David Cameron has spoken out against encrypted messaging services, like WhatsApp

This troubling database of information, which will include all your Google searches, your Facebook conversations, WhatsApp group messages and SnapChat videos, will be made available to the UK police and Government whenever they require.

Home Secretary Theresa May has warned the Investigatory Powers Bill could be passed this Autumn.

The recent spate of terrorist attacks – including the shooting of 30 Britons on a beach in Tunisia – has prompted the Conservative Government to act fast.

British police currently make a request to access personal metadata – texts, emails, phone calls and internet searches – once every two minutes in the UK, according to data from campign group Big Brother Watch.

"We have always been able, on the authority of the Home Secretary, to sign a warrant and intercept a phone call, a mobile phone call or other media communications," Mr Cameron added.

“But the question we must ask ourselves is whether, as technology develops, we are content to leave a safe space – a new means of communication – for terrorists to communicate with each other.”

The full extent of the powers granted by the Investigatory Powers Bill remain unclear.

Pornography meets interactivity as online firm releases first virtual reality film

Virtual Reality pornography – with 180-degree stereoscopic head tracking – is now officially a real thing.

There are more than a few different industries interested in virtual reality headsets.

From immersive digital theme parks to tours of engines to promote new fuels, its quickly becoming clear that Oculus Rift et al. will not simply be used for video games.

The adult entertainment industry has shown a huge amount of interest in developing content for the emerging technology.

And the fruits of that partnership will be showcased to the public at Comic Con in San Diego, next week.

Comic Con International in San Diego is a world renown conventionGETTY

Comic Con International in San Diego is a world renown convention

Adult entertainment firm Naughty America today announced it will be premiering its first 180-degree stereoscopic head tracking video content at the iconic US convention.

If you are an Android user – the porn firm recommends testing its video using a Samsung Gear VR headset, which is powered by Oculus Rift technology.

iPhone owners should test out the immersive head tracking experience using a Homido Virtual Reality Headet or Oculus Rift, Naughty America recommends.

CEO Andreas Hronopoulos said: "Our customers want to get as close to reality as they can get, without reality getting in the way."

Naughty America will be inviting attendees at Comic Con in San Diego – which runs between 9 to July 11th – to experience the content.

The firm has made a point that the content will not simply focus on the male perspective, but female too.

The Comic Con preview means Naughty America will become the first major American company to create and release Virtual Reality-based adult entertainment.

Scenes will be released on a weekly basis, the US firm added.

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