Facebook has built a rival for Siri and she's called MoneyPenny

OH, Miss MoneyPenny.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Facebook's virtual assistant reportedly takes her name from Eve MoneyPenny, of the James Bond franchise  MGM • SONY

Facebook's virtual assistant reportedly takes her name from Eve MoneyPenny, of the James Bond films

Facebook has already released a rival to Apple Pay – which allows Facebook users to transfer money within the hugely successful Messenger app.

But now the US social network has decided to challenge Apple, Google and Microsoft for the talkative virtual assistant crown.

Facebook has reportedly started work on a voice-triggered assistant to rival Siri, Google Now and Cortana.

MoneyPenny will reportedly answer your queries using input from “real people” rather than computer number-crunching

The new functionality – dubbed MoneyPenny, in reference to the flirtatious MI6 secretary – is expected to be baked into future versions of the Messenger app.

MoneyPenny will reportedly answer your queries using input from “real people” rather than computer processing, like all of its rival systems.

The Facebook project is rumoured to only work for general research and shopping queries for the time being, reports The Information.

No release date for the new update has been leaked.

However – if the app is currently being trialled and tested within Facebook, there is a good chance it'll be rolling out soon.

Facebook recently updated its iOS app to hand back control of the News Feed to its users.

The biggest change bundled with the updated app is the ability to pick pages and friends that will always appears at the top of your News Feed – so you never miss an update.

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