Apple takes a stand against the FBI: Building a backdoor for the iPhone is 'too dangerous'

APPLE has published an open letter from CEO Tim Cook explaining why the US company has decided to challenge the FBI's demand to hack an iPhone as part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Apple CEO Tim Cook explained the GETTY

Apple CEO Tim Cook explained the "chilling" implications of creating a backdoor for the iPhone

Apple CEO Tim Cook has published an open letter explaining the "chilling" implications of a request by the FBI to unlock an iPhone used in a terrorist attack.

According to Mr Cook, the United States government is asking Apple for more than just access to a criminal's iPhone. 

"They have asked us to build a backdoor to the iPhone. Specifically, the FBI wants us to make a new version of the iPhone operating system, circumventing several important security features, and install it on an iPhone recovered during the investigation.

"In the wrong hands, this software – which does not exist today – would have the potential to unlock any iPhone in someone’s physical possession," he writes.

Apple believes that once the ability to bypass security in the iPhone operating system has been created, there would be no way to stop it being used "over and over again, on any number of devices."

"In the physical world, it would be the equivalent of a master key, capable of opening hundreds of millions of locks — from restaurants and banks to stores and homes," Mr Cook explains.

"No reasonable person would find that acceptable."

Apple has been ordered to help the Federal Bureau of Investigation gain access to files on an iPhone belonging to one of the shooters involved in the San Bernardino mass shooting in December.

The FBI has been unable to gain access to one of the shooter's iPhonesEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

The FBI has been unable to gain access to one of the shooter's iPhones

While Mr Cook stresses that Apple was “shocked and outraged” by the Islamic State-inspired shooting in San Bernardino – “we have no sympathy for terrorists” – he said company is determined to fight the District Court Judge's order.

FBI director James Comey and his team are trying to determine the extent to which the shooters were influenced by radical Islamic State terrorist groups.

However the FBI has been unable to gain access to one of the shooter's iPhones.

CEO Tim Cook published the open letter on the US technology giant's websiteAPPLE • IG

CEO Tim Cook published the open letter on the US technology giant's website

Apple iPhones have a security feature that slows down anybody trying to brute-force entry to the smartphone by entering every possible PIN combination.

This in-built delay mechanism is so substantial, Apple claims it would take five and a half years to guess every possible password for a single iPhone.

Apple has also been ordered to remove the auto-erase function – that wipes the smartphone after a number of incorrect PIN guesses. 

According to the US District Court Judge, Apple should create an entirely separate version of iOS that bypasses these functions, which can then be installed and run on the San Bernardino shooter's device.

"The U.S. government has asked us for something we simply do not have, and something we consider too dangerous to create. They have asked us to build a backdoor to the iPhone," Mr Cook explained.

"The implications of the government’s demands are chilling. 

"If the government can use the All Writs Act to make it easier to unlock your iPhone, it would have the power to reach into anyone’s device to capture their data. 

"The government could extend this breach of privacy and demand that Apple build surveillance software to intercept your messages, access your health records or financial data, track your location, or even access your phone’s microphone or camera without your knowledge," Mr Cook wrote in the open letter published on Apple's homepage, and entitled "An important message to our customers."

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