This app will deliver beer, cigarettes, aspirin and SEX to your door in minutes

A NIFTY new app called Bevy brings booze, tobacco, pub snacks, paracetamol – and even condoms – to your door with a simple tap on your iPhone.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Bevy claims it'll get your beers, aspirin, cigarettes and condoms to your door in 20 minutes or lessGETTY • PICTURE POSED BY MODEL

Bevy claims it'll get your beers, aspirin, cigarettes and condoms to your door in 20 minutes or less

This free app wants to make sure you have the ultimate night in.

Bevy is an on-demand service that delivers booze, snacks and condoms to your door with just a few simple taps on your smartphone.

The app bundles hundreds of brands of beer, wine, champagne and spirits – you can also order some mixers if you fancy throwing together a quick cocktail.

All you have to do is create an account or log-in with Facebook (don't worry – the app swears blind it won't post a Facebook status about your latest Durex order).

You then place your order through Bevy and wait for a fleet of bike Butlers to bring your selection to your door.

Bevy claims the average wait time for a customer is about 20 minutes. You can even use GPS to track your Bevy Butler’s journey from store to front door.

But before you get too excited about the prospect of calling in an emergency re-supply of beer, Kettle chips, paracetamol and condoms on a bike – there are a few catches.

You can even use GPS to track your Bevy Butler’s journey from store to front doorBEVY APP • ITUNES

You can even use GPS to track your Bevy Butler’s journey from store to front door

First, as you'd expect the prices are a little more expensive than a quick trip to your local supermarket and Bevy also charges £5 for every order made.

The service is also quite new and still expanding.

As a result, its only available in central London for now – although the firm says they are hoping to launch in more areas soon.

A photo posted by Bevy (@bevydelivers) on

Finally, if you fancy a beer in the week, the app is totally useless as it only works between 5pm – 5am Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

However, once Bevy irons out these flaws this could be the only app you'll ever need when you fancy a night on the sofa.

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