Why YOU probably need to restart your computer right now

IF YOU are one of those people who closes their laptop – or puts their computer into sleep or hibernate mode at night – you could be causing a slew of wifi connectivity and speed issues with your PC. Luckily, there is a surprisingly simple solution.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Putting your laptop to sleep will not clean the troublesome RAM processes clogging your machineGETTY

Putting your laptop to sleep will not clean the troublesome RAM processes clogging your machine

If you simply close your laptop lid when you've finished working instead of turning it off – you could be causing a slew of problems.

Keeping your machine running at all times can lead to wifi connectivity issues and infuriatingly slow performance.

That's because over time your operating system and the apps running on it will begin to accumulate some leftover digital crud – temporary files, disk caches, page files, open file descriptors, zombie processes, and more that hang around long after you've closed the apps associated with them.

Memory leaks is another common problem.

This is when an application you thought you'd quit weeks ago is still hogging space in your memory – causing rivals apps to run significantly slower than usual.

When these type of processes stack-up, they can start to slow down your entire computer.

And on top of that – if you have any driver crashes or software hiccups, you can experience problems with your wifi connectivity, too.

Putting your laptop or desktop machine to sleep or enabling hibernate mode will not solve the issue.

That's because sleep mode still sips enough power to keep the computer’s state in memory.

Other parts of the computer are shutdown to save battery, but the disk caches, zombie processes, memory leaks, and more, will remain intact.

Windows' hibernate mode is a similar affair.

Channel 4 sit-com The IT Crowd mocked the simple fix for most computer glitches CHANNEL 4 • GIPHY • IG

Channel 4 sit-com The IT Crowd mocked the simple fix for most computer glitches

This mode saves its current state to your hard drive – dumping the contents of its RAM into a file on its hard drive. Your PC will use about the same amount of power as one that's shutdown, but the same troublesome processes are saved.

Fortunately, shutting down your computer every once in a while can give your machine a fresh start.

SuperUser technology blog contributor David Zaslavsky claims: "Different computers and OS’s are not all equally affected by this phenomenon. 

"Generally, a computer with a lot of RAM can go for much longer than a computer with only a little RAM. A server, on which you just start up a few programs and then let them work, will be fine for much longer than a desktop computer, where you’re constantly opening and closing different programs and doing different things with them.

Avoid using Sleep and Hibernate modes too often – and remember to shutdown your PCEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Avoid using Sleep and Hibernate modes too often – and remember to shutdown your PC

"Plus, server operating systems are optimised for long-term use.

"It’s also been said that Linux and Mac OS tend to run for longer than Windows systems, although in my experience that mostly depends on what programs you use on them, and not so much on any differences between the kernels of the operating systems themselves."

If you notice that your computer is slogging through some simple tasks – and you find yourself struggling to remember the last time you shutdown your PC – it might be time to reboot.

If you're still .

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