'They look like tears': Kate and royal women will follow heartbreaking jewellery tradition

ROYAL protocols dictate a strict dress code for the mourning period after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Along with all-black attire, Kate Middleton and other women in the firm are expected to wear specific jewellery for a very sombre reason.

Prince William and Kate Middleton greet the public in Windsor

Speaking to Express.co.uk, Miranda Holder, a fashion coach who is known for her viral style videos posted under the username @themirandaholder 'Your Feel Good Fashion Coach', detailed the reason why the women will tone down their jewellery, and opt for one specific gem. The tradition has been deeply ingrained in the Royal Family since the Victorian era.

Miranda explained: “In terms of jewellery pearls are absolutely the tradition. Queen Victoria completely embraced it because she believes they look like tears, which I think is just so lovely.”

Upon the passing of her husband Prince Albert, in 1861, Queen Victoria chose to only wear black until her own death almost 40 years later.

These sombre outfits were broken up only by her jewellery which tended to be black, colourless or made from pearls. The pearls were particularly significant, as they were considered to represent tears and purity.


Kate Middleton wearing pearls

The Royal Family tend to wear pearls during the period of mourning. (Image: Getty Images)

Camilla in pearls

Queen Consort Camilla wore a four-strand pearl necklace reminiscent of the Queen's. (Image: Getty Images)

Although the royal tradition began over 100 years ago, it is one which has been maintained, with honouring it at Princess Diana, Princess Margaret and King George VI's funerals.

More recently, the Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge has already been spotted donning a pair of pearl earrings during the mourning period.

On her first sighting since the passing of Her Majesty, was spotted on an afternoon drive through Windsor wearing an all-black outfit with a pair of dainty pearl earrings.

At the procession Of Her Majesty's coffin to St Giles Cathedral, was photographed wearing a four-strand pearl necklace.

Miranda told Express.co.uk there will be no "flashy" jewellery at Monday's funeral.

Instead, it is likely all of the women will also wear some form of pearl to the funeral, or opt for delicate, demure jewellery.

She explained: "We may see the odd brooch or something to reference Her Majesty, but there's going to be no big sparkly diamonds or anything ostentatious.

"It will be subtle. And we'll be seeing a lot of pearls because that is just traditional and respectful."


Kate in pearl earrings

Kate has already been photographed wearing pearl earrings. (Image: Getty Images)

Queen at Diana's funeral

Queen Elizabeth wore pearls for Princess Diana's funeral in 1997. (Image: Getty Images)

As well as following an age-old tradition, however, the pearls will also be a nod to Queen Elizabeth herself.

Miranda said: "Of course, the Queen loved pearls herself.

"She lived in her three-strand necklace that was given as a gift from her father, and then one that she got later on in her reign.

"They really were one of her trademarks, particularly for daytime events.

"And this is also a daytime event so there are many reasons for pearls to be worn."

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