Edinburgh Zoo confirm Tian Tian the Panda is no longer pregnant

TIAN Tian – the UK's only female giant panda – is no longer pregnant, Edinburgh Zoo has confirmed.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Edinburgh Zoo has confirmed that Tian Tian the panda is no longer pregnant Edinburgh Zoo has confirmed that Tian Tian the panda is no longer pregnant [GETTY]

After weeks of speculation, the chances of Britain's first panda cub were officially dashed today as Edinburgh Zoo confirmed Tian Tian is no longer expecting a cub. 

Tian Tian (meaning Sweetie) is said to be in good health after her hormone levels returned to normal – leading experts to believe a "late reabsorption of the foetus" could have taken place.

The giant panda was artificially inseminated in April after she and her partner Yang Guang (meaning Sunshine) failed to mate naturally.

Edinburgh Zoo confirmed that the data they had gathered since the insemination suggested that Tian Tian was pregnant and due to give birth in late August.

Panda reproduction and biology is complex; all data gathered since conception took place pointed to a pregnant panda likely to carry to full term, sadly this did not happen

Iain Valentine

But when her due date passed, experts ordered hormone tests – which showed something was "amiss".

Director of giant pandas for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Iain Valentine said: "Tian Tian's hormone levels have now returned to normal, so we can confirm that she is no longer pregnant.

"Panda reproduction and biology is complex; all data gathered since conception took place pointed to a pregnant panda likely to carry to full term, sadly this did not happen. 

"There is no evidence she has had a miscarriage, so late reabsorption of the foetus could have occurred.

"The team continue to monitor Tian Tian and she is in great health. 

"The specialist team here and international colleagues will thoroughly review every aspect of how we care for her".

Both Tian Tian and Yang Guang are aged 10, and on loan to Edinburgh Zoo from China until 2021.

Last year, Tian Tian became the first artificial giant panda insemination to take place in the UK – but tragically, Tian Tian lost her cub during the late stages of the pregnancy last year.

Edinburgh Zoo has confirmed that the outdoor viewing area of Tian Tian and Yang Guang's enclosures will be open again, starting from today.

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