WATCH: You MOTH be joking! Man's ordeal as inch-long insect is yanked from his EAR

A MAN suffered a horrifying ordeal as a LIVE inch-long moth was pulled from his ear canal.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Man has a moth in his ear

To make matters worse, the man – known only as 'Mikey' – also had a blood-sucking tick lodged in the same ear.

In a YouTube video that has since gone viral on the internet, Mikey is first seen in the recovery position on the floor – swearing profusely.

Describing the moth scurrying down into his ear, he says: "I felt him go boom and I went to go smack and he went in there."

Fortunately, the American's friends quickly manage to remove the tick.

But as the moth burrows deeper and deeper into the poor man's ear canal – it proves harder for them to remove.

Eventually Mikey's friends do manage to latch onto the troublesome moth with a pair of tweezers and pull it out in one piece.

He appears relieved – and then horrified as he is presented with the inch-long brown insect retrieved from his ear.

Tickly Ear

The online sensation comes only one week after another popular, yet similarly horrifying, ear-related video went viral.

The footage shows a man – believed to be from India – filmed having a three-inch cricket dragged out of his inner ear.

The unlucky man reportedly went to the doctors' surgery complaining about an itchy ear – and was revolted when medics relieved his discomfort by pulling a squirming cricket from his ear canal.

Hundreds of thousands watched the stomach-churning footage online and presumably spent the rest of the day nervously itching their ears.

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