Tom Watson attacks Theresa May’s Brexit deal - ‘It’s BARGAIN BASEMENT BRITAIN!’

THERESA MAY’s Brexit deal will create a “bargain basement Britain”, deputy Labour leader Tom Watson argued last night, as he called for a “different kind of deal”.

By Sam Stevenson, Assistant Editor, Politics

Tom Watson: May’s deal will cause ‘bargain basement Britain'

Mr Watson staged the intervention on ITV Peston. His comments came amid a bruising political week for the Premier, whose much-bemoaned Brexit deal has come under fire after the Christmas recess. Mrs May attempted a charm offensive to win MPs over this week but support for her deal is fading.

Attacking Mrs May, Mr Watson said: “The effect of Theresa May’s deal if it goes through will be a bargain basement Britain.

“At the edge of Europe, low taxation, big cooperations undermining workers’ security, undermining our environmental rights, diminishing human rights.

“That’s not the kind of new relationship we want when we leave the EU.

“We want a different kind of deal.”

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Tom Watson

Tom Watson attacked Theresa May's deal on ITV Peston last night (Image: ITV/GETTY)

Mrs May

Mrs May told Andrew Marr MPs could vote on her deal more than once (Image: BBC)

The Labour MP argued the “tragedy” of the Parliament impasse over Brexit was that “we could have brought the country together if Theresa May had taken these negotiations a different way”.

He said: “If she had brought in the trade unions, if she had brought in the leaders of business, if she’d have asked Jeremy to sit round the table, we could have negotiated a deal that was a much broader base than within the narrow factions of the Conservative Party.”

MPs are due to vote on the Brexit blueprint Mrs May thrashed out with the EU 27 on January 14 after the Prime Minister delayed the vote at the eleventh hour last year in the face of crushing defeat.

Speaking to the BBC’s Andrew Marr show, the Prime Minister admitted the UK would be in “unchartered territory” if her Parliamentary colleagues voted down her beleaguered plan.

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ITV Peston

ITV Peston: Mr Watson was being quizzed by Robert Peston (Image: ITV)

Brexit: MPs vote for Theresa May to reveal Plan B

If the deal is rejected Parliament must agree on the best way to proceed, with the potential option of a second referendum still on the table.

Another scenario would see the country vote in a General Election.

Mr Watson used his TV appearance last night to imply in the event of a General Election the Labour Party could put a second Brexit referendum in their manifesto.

He also said if the Prime Minister loses the vote it is effectively a vote of no confidence and putting down a motion is a question of “when, not if”.

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