Kate Middleton and William news: Kate is SO jealous I'm getting some sleep in Africa

PRINCE William says his wife Kate is “immensely jealous” because he is getting uninterrupted sleep on a tour of Africa while she cares for their children. The Duke of Cambridge arrived in Tanzania yesterday on the second leg of a week-long private working trip, while the Duchess, 36, is home looking after baby Prince Louis of Cambridge, born in April, Princess Charlotte, three and Prince George, five.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William: Kate is immensely jealous I’m getting sleep

In a speech at the British High Commissioner’s residence in the Namibian capital Windhoek earlier this week, William, 36, said: “I’m delighted to be visiting Namibia for the first time. I’m only sorry that my wife Catherine is not able to join me – she is immensely jealous. Particularly as I’m looking forward to a few good uninterrupted nights’ sleep this week away from my wonderful children.”

The Duchess, who has the support of a nanny but is very much a hands-on mother, is still on maternity leave but will be back on royal duty on Tuesday when she visits the Sayers Croft Forest School and Wildlife Garden in Paddington, west London. 

William, who is touring Namibia, Tanzania, and Kenya, visited the port in Tanzania’s biggest city and former capital, Dar es Salaam, yesterday to see the challenges the authorities face in trying to curb the trade in animal parts. 

He met port workers to learn how the UN Office on Drugs and Crime is trying to stop smuggling of animal products such as ivory and rhino horn. 

During his trip to Namibia, the second in line to the throne saw the work of Save the Rhino in the Kunene region. 

He said: “I was staggered by the beauty and sheer remoteness of this incredible landscape. 

“And I was humbled by the dedication of the rangers who protect the unique population of desert rhino from poachers.” 

He added: “Despite all the valiant efforts of so many across southern Africa, there are places where levels of poaching remain unsustainably high.

“The latest figures show that a rhino is killed every seven hours. The illegal wildlife trade is an international problem that requires determined leadership.” 

Prince Charles is also Africa bound. 


Engagement of the transport sector is essential in the fight to #EndWildlifeCrime (Image: Kensington Palace Twitter)


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their children (Image: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire)

Prince William opens up about his passion for Africa

Clarence House announced yesterday that he and the Duchess of Cornwall will make an official visit to The Gambia, Ghana, and Nigeria from October 31 to November 8. 

In Ghana’s second city, Kumasi, they will go to Manhiya Palace to meet the King of the Ashanti, Osei Tutu II. for a traditional durbar ceremonial procession. 

Closer to home the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will make their first joint official visit to the area from which they have taken their title next Wednesday. 

Harry, 34, and Meghan, 37, will see one of only two contemporary handwritten manuscript copies of the American Declaration of Independence at Edes House in Chichester in West Sussex. 

They will also visit Bognor Regis, West Sussex, and go to Brighton and Peacehaven in East Sussex.

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