Prince George: Charles reveals secret present for beloved grandson George

PRINCE CHARLES has confessed he is proud of meddling in national affairs but as he gets older is mainly interested in planting trees – especially a wood for his grandson Prince George.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince George: His best moments to celebrate fifth birthday

The heir to the throne planted dozens of different varieties of trees in a paddock adjoining his garden at his Highland hideaway, Birkhall, near Balmoral to mark the birth of George, his first grandchild, five years ago. 

“This is George’s wood,” he proudly told a BBC documentary to be broadcast on Thursday next week to mark his forthcoming 70th birthday.

“As I get older, all I really long for is to plant trees. I hope it will be quite amusing for George as they grow up and he grows up.”

His wife the Duchess of Cornwall, filmed with her Jack Russell, Beth, told the programme that George’s arboretum already looks quite different: “You can’t believe how much it’s grown. It was tiny when it was all planted,” she said. “The next thing you know, you’re being dwarfed by it.”

Prince Charles in the wood he has planted for grandson Prince George (Image: Clarence House)

Prince George has a secret gift being prepared by his grandfather (Image: Matt Porteous/Kensington Palace/REUTERS)

But after a dry summer, her husband is worried the trees have not received enough water. “He does rain dances most of the day to try and get some more,” she joked.

The story is recounted in today’s Radio Times by John Bridcut, the distinguished documentary maker who sent a film crew to accompany Charles around the country and world for almost 12 months to produce Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70, which airs at 8am on BBC One on November 8.

Charles has another arboretum at Dumfries House, the Palladian mansion in Ayrshire that he helped rescue in 2007. 

Some of the trees there have not done so well in marshy soil but the 2,000-acre estate has been growing rapidly.

Outbuildings have been restored, and new ones erected, to house training and apprenticeships in textiles, catering, horticulture, engineering and stonemasonry to employ locals in the ex-mining area.

There is a gym and sports centre for local people, who can use the estate freely, and the open-air swimming pool in the run-down town of New Cumnock nearby has been renovated and heated.

Dumfries House is the latest of Charles’s charitable ventures which began 42 years ago with the launch of the Prince’s Trust, an organisation that has helped more than 900,000 young people train for new careers and find work.

The Duke of Cambridge said: “One of the things I’m most proud of my father for is the Prince’s Trust. I think what he set up there for young people has been absolutely incredible, and as I go around the country the amount of people who tell me about the Prince’s Trust – I mean, honestly, it’s phenomenal, it really is.” 

Both of Charles’s sons praised him for his commitment to the causes he has championed and the lessons he has taught them. 

“The man never stops,” the Duke of Sussex said. “Whether it’s dinner or tea or whatever and we sit there and speak to him, he gets so frustrated. You can understand why, when he cares that much and he’s been banging the drum for this long.”

Charles – who works a seven-day week beginning at 9am and often finishing at midnight, according to Bridcut – has long been accused of meddling in public affairs. 

But the Prince defiantly told the documentary makers: “If it’s meddling to worry about the inner cities as I did 40 years ago and what was happening or not happening there, the conditions in which people were living – if that’s meddling I’m very proud of it.”

Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70, BBC One, November 8, 9pm

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