Royal BOMBSHELL: Americans will NEVER bow to Meghan Markle reveals expert on US culture

AMERICANS will never bow or curtsy to Meghan Markle due to a difference in cultural protocol, an etiquette expert has revealed.

By Sam Stevenson, Assistant Editor, Politics

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The Duchess of Sussex is unlikely to forget her US routes. She recently flew stateside to take part in the American tradition of a baby shower in New York. But while there no US nationals would have bowed or curtsied to the Duchess in the traditional British way.

Britons are accustomed to the idea of bowing or curtsying to members of the British Royal Family as a mark of respect.

But Beaumont Etiquette founder Myka Meier told PEOPLE etiquette rules always follow the protocol of each respective country.

She said: “In American culture, we do not curtsy or bow as a sign of respect, and therefore you would not do so if you came upon a royal in the United States.

“Just as when Kate and Prince William visited America in 2014, we saw then-President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama simply extend a handshake to welcome them.

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Meghan Markle news

Meghan Markle news: Americans will never bow to the Duchess an expert revealed (Image: GETTY)


Meghan recently went to New York City to hold a baby shower there (Image: GETTY)

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“It would be the same if you were to greet the Duchess of Sussex in NYC.”

Ms Meier explained however it would not be wise to directly approach Meghan in the US for a handshake and instead wait to be properly introduced.

She said: “The correct protocol when in the presence of a royal is to never approach, and instead wait to be introduced.”

The etiquette guru also shed light on social norms and rules concerning taking photos of the Royal Family.

Meghan Markle news

Meghan Markle news: the Duchess is due to give birth in April or May (Image: GETTY)


Kate poses dutifully for photos with royal fans in Ballymena, Northern Ireland (Image: GETTY)

Royal fans are expected to exercise restraint when meeting their idols and should not bombard them or thrust smartphones in their face.

Ms Meier said: “As tempting as it may be, to show respect, you should only take a photo of a royal when they pose for it.”

Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William recently took part in royal visits to Northern Ireland and Blackpool.

While in Blackpool Kate posed dutifully for snaps with her eager fans as she endured the rain without an umbrella.

The Duchess of Cambridge did not opt for an umbrella so it would not get in the way while she was greeting her fans and to make it easier for them to see her from behind.

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