Sultan of Brunei hosts royal show despite gang sex row

THE Queen is to host a horse show sponsored by the Sultan of Brunei despite an outcry over his new Sharia laws punishing gay sex with death by stoning.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Brunei: Human rights chief calls for country to halt penal code


The new shariah laws imposed by the Sultan punish gay sex with death by stoning (Image: AFP / Getty)

Organisers of the Royal Windsor Horse Show have named the Sultan's Coworth Park hotel near Ascot, Berks, as one of the event's sponsors.

Her Majesty, who enjoys a close relationship with the Sultan, has attended the event in the private grounds of Windsor Castle every year since 1943.

Royal Ascot has already bowed to pressure and taken Coworth Park - one of nine hotels in the Sultan's Dorchester Collection - off its list of recommended places to stay for the June meet.

Organisers of the Windsor horse show said they did not want to comment "at this time".

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