Royal baby: Archie's feet star in Meghan's tribute to mums

THE Duchess of Sussex celebrated her first American Mother's Day with her new son Archie yesterday by publishing a picture of her cradling his feet.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Meghan Markle baby: Expert discusses 'Prince' Archie title

She and Prince Harry shared an image on their Instagram page and then made a version of the photo available to the media. It was taken in the garden of their Frogmore Cottage home at Windsor. In the background there are forget-me-nots, which have long held a special place in Harry's heart because they were his mother Princess Diana's favourite flowers. The picture was captioned: "Paying tribute to all mothers today, past, present, mothers-to-be, and those lost but forever remembered.

"We honour and celebrate each and every one of you."

Mother's Day is celebrated in the UK in March but it was held yesterday in the US, as well as in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Kenya and Japan.

The Sussexes accompanied the picture with a quote from a poem, Lands, by the writer Nayyirah Waheed.

"My mother was my first country; the first place I ever lived," it reads.

In 2017 when she was still an actor on the US television drama Suits, Meghan used the poet's words to celebrate International Women's day in a post on her now disused personal account on Instagram.

Buckingham Palace confirmed the photo showed Meghan, 37, and Archie but declined to say if Harry, 34, had taken the picture.

The couple's first son, who is seventh in line to the throne, was born weighing 7lb 3oz on May 6.

They named him Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, opting not to give him the courtesy title of Earl of Dumbarton. He will have the right to be called a prince and be styled His Royal Highness when his grandfather Prince Charles becomes King, but many royal watchers believe that his parents will not want to exercise the right, choosing a life more ordinary for their son.


The photo was taken in the garden of their Frogmore Cottage home at Windsor (Image: Instagram)


Meghan’s message for Mother’s Day in the US (Image: Instagram)


Harry with Major Archie in Lesotho in 2008 (Image: Michelly Rall/WireImage)

Some also believe Charles wants a slimmed down monarchy and will issue Letters Patent limiting royal titles to the children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

A royal source said the couple had expressed no preferences for what their son is called in future. It was revealed at the weekend that Meghan and Harry will not make Archie's birth certificate public, in a break with Royal Family custom. The Cambridges released certificates for their three children. Meanwhile it was reported the couple may have named their son after the Army officer who helped Harry achieve his dream of serving on the frontline in Afghanistan.

Major Tom Archer-Burton, who is also known as Archie, was Harry's commanding officer during his time in the the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals and was instrumental in his top secret deployment to Helmand province in 2008.

It came after Harry was left devastated when it was ruled he could not join his unit for a tour of Basra in Iraq in 2007 over safety fears.

Major Archie, 41, who has a distinguished career in the military, convinced Harry to stay on and later helped him keep his deployment to Afghanistan out of the media. Harry said after his 10-week tour: "It was fantastic I was hugely grateful for having the opportunity."

The father-of-two later travelled to Lesotho in Africa with Harry on a charitable mission to build a school in 2008. The Surrey-born officer also attended Harry and Meghan's wedding in May last year.

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