Queen will REFUSE Corbyn's demand for meeting after granting Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan

EXCLUSIVE: The Queen will refuse to meet opposition leaders Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson if they seek to drag her into the Brexit political crisis at Westminster.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

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Her advisers have told her that she should only grant an audience to the Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders if her Prime Minister Boris Johnson agrees, the Daily Express can reveal. That advice has been clarified after the two politicians wrote to the 93-year-old monarch on Wednesday asking for an urgent meeting to try to prevent her approving suspending Parliament for up to five weeks.However their attempt to use the Queen to put a block on Mr Johnson’s request came only after she had approved the proroguing of Parliament at a Privy Council meeting at Balmoral.

It became clear yesterday that she will pursue a similar course of action if there are further crises in the run-up to the October 31 deadline for Britain’s departure from the European Union.

The Queen’s advisers have made it clear that, unless Mr Johnson agrees, there will also be no invitation for Mr Corbyn to meet her immediately if the Conservative leader loses a no-confidence vote.

“She will act on the advice of her Prime Minister,” a senior royal aide said.

The clarification came as the Labour leader vowed that when MPs return to the Commons chamber next week he will try to block a no-deal Brexit and the suspension of Parliament.

the Queen Corbyn Brexit

The Queen will refuse Jeremy Corbyn's demand for a meeting (Image: GETTY)

The Queen Boris Johnson

The Queen, pictured with the new Prime Minister, approved Boris Johnson plan to suspend Parliament (Image: GETTY)

Mr Corbyn said: “We will be back in Parliament on Tuesday to challenge Boris Johnson on what I think is a smash-and-grab raid against our democracy where he’s trying to suspend Parliament in order to prevent a serious discussion and a serious debate to

prevent a no-deal Brexit.

“What we’re going to do is try to politically stop him on Tuesday with a Parliamentary process in order to legislate and prevent a no-deal Brexit and also to try and prevent him shutting down Parliament during this utterly crucial period.”

As a Privy Counsellor the veteran Left-winger – an ardent republican – has a right to request an audience with the Queen but she is under no obligation to grant him one.

In the four years since he became Leader of Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition, the Queen has never given an audience to Mr Corbyn.

READ MORE: What is proroguing parliament? Does this mean No Deal Brexit is more likely?

Prorogue Parliament

The Queen approved the proroguing of Parliament from September (Image: EXPRESS)

The last official audience she gave to an opposition leader was to David Cameron in 2006, three months after he was elected to lead the Conservative Party. Tony Blair was the last Labour opposition leader to be received in audience after his election as party leader in 1994.

Royal aides said there were other opportunities for the monarch to meet opposition politicians, including luncheons and dinner parties, some private and others official, but the Court Circular shows no record of the Labour leader attending such events. Mr Corbyn went to Clarence House to meet Prince Charles in May last year and attended a Palace state banquet for Chinese President Xi Jinping in October 2015. He was sworn in as a Privy Counsellor during a brief ceremony a month later.

The Palace’s approach is dictated, as in almost everything, by the advice she receives from her Prime Minister.

Earlier this month, shadow chancellor John McDonnell, another self-confessed republican, vowed that his party leader would be demanding to see the Queen if Mr Johnson lost his majority.

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Brexit news

What the Brexit timeline looks like now the Queen has approved the suspension of Parliament (Image: EXPRESS)

“I don’t want to drag the Queen into this but I would be sending Jeremy Corbyn in a cab to Buckingham Palace to say we’re taking over,” he said.

But sources have made it clear that the Queen will only meet Mr Corbyn if her private secretary and the Cabinet secretary have been persuaded that a majority of MPs are backing him to become a caretaker prime minister within 14 days of Mr Johnson losing any no-confidence vote.

Sources close to Mr Johnson have suggested he would try to stay in Downing Street even if he lost a no-confidence motion and could then call an election.

Her advisers and most constitutional experts believe she had no choice this week but to support Mr Johnson in proroguing Parliament.

Dr Bob Morris, of University College London, said: “Under our present constitution the Queen is bound to act on the advice of a duly appointed Prime Minister.

"Although the reasons for the Prime Minister’s advice may be thought suspect, he has broken no law. In the longer run, this area should be clarified and become a written part of our constitution.”

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