Queen thanks selfless community heroes who 'enriched life of neighbours'

THE Queen has thanked selfless community heroes for their work to "enrich the life" of their neighbours in a letter honouring Maundy money recipients.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

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She has written to the 95 men and 95 women - reflecting her age - that she would have presented with symbolic coins during a service. Instead they have received their gifts by post after the event was cancelled for the second year running due to coronavirus restrictions. The monarch said: "We have an opportunity to recognise, and give thanks for, work done by countless people for the wellbeing of their neighbours; work that has often been taken for granted or hidden."


The Queen has thanked selfless community heroes (Image: Getty)

They included four recipients honoured for their dedication to church work. Agnes Slocombe, who served as the first black Mayor of Barnet, north London, has been a member of St John's Church, West Hendon, since she arrived in the UK from Barbados.

She said: "It's wonderful to receive such an honour from the Queen. It's appreciated as it shows we are still thought of."

Malcolm Cloutt, 100, from Princes Risborough, Bucks, a former Second World War RAF pilot has given out 1,000 Bibles during his lifetime, listing each recipient and praying for them.

The retired accountant said: "It's a great honour, but I didn't really think anything of my work."


Malcolm Cloutt has given out 1,000 Bibles during his lifetime (Image: PA)


Mrs Agnes Slocombe moved to the UK from Barbados (Image: Getty)

Skier George Stewart still gets on the slopes at the age of 101, but he is recognised for 30 years of helping St Martin's Church in Scone, Perthshire. The retired forester said: "I'm very honoured to receive the letter the Queen sent with the money."

Sue Ward, from Portsmouth, is a church warden at the cathedral and supports organisations including Christian Aid. She said: "I don't really feel as though I deserve it, but it is an honour."

Meanwhile, the Queen will carry out further official engagements in person rather than online after having her second Covid jab.

It follows a year of living in a "Windsor bubble", surrounded by a reduced team of aides.

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