Prince Andrew 'to accuse Virginia of trafficking girls' in upcoming legal battle

PRINCE Andrew plans to accuse Virginia Giuffre of being part of a child sex-trafficking ring in his upcoming legal battle, it was claimed yesterday.

By Richard Palmer - Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre

Virginia Giuffre has accused Prince Andrew of sexual abuse. (Image: Getty Images)

The Duke of York is trying to obtain sworn testimony from a victim of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein to cast Ms Giuffre as a key member of the couple's trafficking operation, it was said. Lawyers for the Prince are seeking evidence from Carolyn Andriano, who says she was recruited by Ms Giuffre at 14 and trained to give sexual massages.

Andrew's lawyers are searching for other women who may have been allegedly recruited by Ms Giuffre while under age.

A source said: "We are interested in speaking with and interviewing anyone and everyone who has information relevant to these allegations."

The proposal is high risk.

Ms Andriano has reportedly corroborated claims that Ms Giuffre had sex with Andrew at Maxwell's London home when she was 17.

Andrew's lawyers will try to argue that Ms Giuffre does not deserve damages because she was complicit in a "criminal enterprise", the so-called "unclean hands" defence.

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In court papers, they stated: "Giuffre's alleged causes of action are barred in whole or in part by her own wrongful conduct and the doctrine of unclean hands."

Ms Andriano, 35, was one of four accusers who helped to convict Maxwell on five charges linked to child sex trafficking at a trial in NewYork in December.

Ms Giuffre, who lives in Australia, has yet to agree to a date when she can be interviewed under oath by the Duke's defence team.

Andrew will face up to seven hours of questioning under oath at a "neutral location" in London next month by lawyers for his sex abuse accuser.

The Duke has agreed to face what is known as a deposition on March 10 as part of the evidence gathering process before a civil trial for damages due to start in New York sometime between September and the end of this year. Ms Giuffre claims she was forced to have sex with him in 2001 in London and New York when she was 17 and then in the US Virgin Islands when she was 18.

Andrew, 61, has denied any wrongdoing but could face a damages bill of up to £14million if a jury finds it is likely that he did abuse Ms Giuffre, now 38.

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