Royal Family news: Prince George tracking his parents’ travels for Charlotte and Louis

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have vowed to return to Belize with their children after revealing Prince George sticks pins in a map and updates his siblings on their travels.

By Richard Palmer - Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Kate Middleton and William attend reception in Belize

Prince William told a glittering reception at the Maya ruins of Cahal Pech in Belize early today/yesterday that his children, George, eight, Princess Charlotte, six, and Prince Louis, three, were jealous that their parents were visiting the country.

William and Kate welcomed in Belize

William and Kate welcomed in Belize (Image: PA Images)

“We hope to return again soon, and to show our children this wonderful country,” he said. “They are rather jealous that they are not here with us now.”

At the reception, hosted by the Queen’s Governor General and attended by the country’s prime minister, William told guests how George tracks their progress around the world.

“We let them know where we are and he finds us on the map and puts a pin in it and shares with the others,” he said. 

The reception was hosted by the Governor General of Belize Froya Tzalam, in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. 

Kate, 40, drew admiring glances in a vibrant metallic pinks dress designed by The Vampire’s Wife, a label run by Susie Cave, wife of musician Nick Cave. The Duchess teamed her dress with a Mayan embroidered bag.

Visiting the ancient Maya ruins

Visiting the ancient Maya ruins (Image: PA Images)

Beside the ancient Maya ruins, the Duke and Duchess met community leaders, well-known Belizeans, and government ministers in the presence of the Prime Minister, John Antonio Brienco.

Cahal Pech, which means “place of tricks” in modern-day Maya was lit up at sunset.

As the royal couple circulated, a traditional band played music from one of the Mayan structures.

It was the royal acropolis-palace of a Mayan ruling family at Cahal Pech, which was settled around 1000 BC and abandoned by 800 AD.

In his speech, William paid tribute to his grandmother, who is Queen of Belize, and his late grandfather the Duke of Edinburgh and praised Belize as a beacon of democracy, conservation, and natural beauty. 

He summarised their visit to the country on a Caribbean tour which will take them next to Jamaica and The Bahamas. 

A visit to the British Army Training Support Unit jungle training facility

A visit to the British Army Training Support Unit jungle training facility (Image: PA Images)

 “Catherine and I are delighted to be here with you tonight in Belize at the beginning of our first official visit to the Caribbean,” he said. “You could not have chosen a more beautiful and evocative setting, here at Cahal Pech. 

“Earlier today we also had the chance to visit the extraordinary ruins at Caracol, deep in the jungle, and marvel at the ingenuity of your Mayan ancestors.

"These sites are a testament to Belize’s long and proud history and culture. And climbing up all those steps is very good exercise.

"This magical setting is a fitting place to mark the reason we are all here tonight.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honoured to convey the very warmest wishes from my grandmother,  the Queen of Belize, on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee. 

“She always speaks so fondly of her visits to Belize, which of course included a memorable stop here at Cahal Pech in 1994.”

“And she may have mentioned something about a gibnut…” he added, referring to a meal of a nocturnal rodent served to the Queen on a previous visit.

Prince William drinks water collected in a water vine

Prince William drinks water collected in a water vine (Image: PA Images)

Willian recalled his embarrassment at receiving his A-Level results while in Belize during his gap year in 2000.

“I was lucky enough to come here when I was 18 with the British Army to do some jungle training, just after I’d left school,” he said.

“My overriding memory of that visit was receiving the results of my final school exams – my A Levels – while I was in the jungle.

“It really was mortifying having my grades read out over a military radio with a whole bunch of soldiers listening in.

“Thankfully the results weren’t too bad.

“But our time with BATSUB in the jungle today brought it all flooding back.

On Arrival: Will and Kate at Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport

On Arrival: Will and Kate at Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport (Image: PA Images)

“In our short time here, Catherine and I have been lucky enough to witness some of the extraordinary biodiversity that you so lovingly nurture here in your jungles and your reefs.

“You take your responsibility as custodians of nature very seriously, and you are world leaders at protecting your natural heritage for future generations.

“The fact that nearly 40 per cent of Belize has protected status is a testament to that.  

“I know that this is something that my grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh, found particularly inspiring on his visits to Belize with WWF.

“As current Chair of CARICOM, you are also demonstrating your regional leadership on the crucial issue of climate change.

“Alongside this environmental diversity, yesterday we also had a taste of Belize’s wonderful cultural diversity - from Mayan chocolate to Garifuna drumming.

“And yes, you even got us dancing.”

William continued: “Belize may be small, but your rich blend of ethnic groups contributes to the harmonious tapestry of life.

“Integral to this is your belief in upholding democratic values, which you have protected so proudly for over 40 years.

“To quote your own national anthem, Belize is a ‘tranquil haven of democracy’.

“This was something The Queen celebrated when she addressed your Parliament in 1994."

She said: "I am proud to associate myself with your determination that social justice and personal freedom should flourish under the rule of law."

It is always dangerous, however, to be complacent and to assume that democratic values will look after themselves."

"Vigilance in protecting them is needed."

“Her Majesty went on to say that ‘Most of all, democracy is safe-guarded by teamwork – the individual wills of all citizens, each pulling together towards the same objective’.

First day: an official welcome

First day: an official welcome (Image: PA Images)

“Sadly, elsewhere in the world, that vigilance is being tested today in Ukraine.  

“Belize has joined many others in condemning the invasion and standing up for the principles of international law, peace and security. 

“Today we think of those struggling in Ukraine and we stand with them in solidarity.  

“The last two years of the Covid-19 pandemic have been hugely challenging but it is reassuring to have heard from so many people that things are on the up. 

“Covid rates are low, the vaccination programme is going well, and it is wonderful to see the hotels filling with tourists again.”

William told the guests: “Catherine and I have been deeply touched by the warm welcome Belizeans have given us. We only wish we could have stayed longer.

“Now we know why Belize is so lovingly referred to as ‘The Jewel’.”

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