Royal Family LIVE: Charles didn't see Harry in UK because he was wary of 'drama' - expert

Prince Harry came to the UK for the start of the case on Monday - but did not see his father during the flying visit.

By Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter, Catherine Meyer-Funnell, Royal Reporter based in London, Jon King, News Reporter

Harry and Meghan 'absolutely cannot be on that balcony'

King Charles opted not to see son Prince Harry during his surprise visit to the UK earlier this week because he did was wary of getting caught up in any “drama” before his impending coronation, a royal expert has said. And Kinsey Schofield warned Harry and Meghan if they opted to attend the event on May 6, they would face a tricky reception from their British relatives.

Prince Harry and son Prince CharlesPrince Harry and son Prince Charles

Prince Harry and son Prince Charles (Image: GETTY)

Speaking to Fox Nerws, Kinsey Schofield, host of the To Di For Daily podcast, said it was significant that Charles had decided against meeting up with Harry despite the 38-year-old coming to London for the beginning of his privacy case against Associated Newspapers at London's High Court.

She said: "The king’s diary is typically built months in advance. "But the idea that the king had this time off and chose not to engage with his son tells me that Charles does not trust his boy.

"He does not want any drama before the coronation, and he clearly thinks Harry’s grievances are petty.

"If Harry and Meghan attend the king’s coronation, they should bring their parkas because things are going to be ice cold."

Charles’ unwillingness to make out time for his son "was a stark example of consequence", she added.


King Charles dragged into bizarre Disney 'woke' battle with Florida Governor

King Charles has been dragged into a "woke" row between Disney and Florida Republicans after the company used an obscure legal loophole referencing the Monarch.

The battle comes amid a power struggle over who will control Disney's parks in the Sunshine State.

Until recently, Disney controlled it's 27,000-acre theme park near Orlando through a board called the Reedy Creek Improvement District. In February, Ron DeSantis created a new board to control the district in an effort to stop the company's "woke agenda".

However, before this new board was able to take over, the old board rushed through changes - name dropping King Charles III - limiting the new board's control.

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King Charles

King Charles greets Glam Rockers Lord of the Lost at Schuppen 52 in Hamburg (Image: Getty)

Ron Desantis

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during an event on his nationwide book tour (Image: Getty)

King Charles's 'slimmed-down monarchy' discouraged as unknown royal deemed hidden gem

Since the King’s plan for a slimmed-down monarchy emerged one royal commentator has pointed out an unheard-of royal has the potential to be an asset to the Firm.

Rachel Bowie and Roberta Fiorito, hosts of the Royally Obsessed podcast, noted the upcoming 21st birthday of Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones, the granddaughter of Princess Margaret.

On the royal’s recent photoshoot with Tatler magazine, Ms Fiorito said: "The photos are stunning. She's wearing an Ellie Saab dress — blue with a giant blue bow — and it's just gorgeous.

"I think that's what the Royal Family needs: some excitement and some fashion."

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Samuel Aikten (left) and Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones attend the Tatler Little Black Book Party (Image: Getty)

Meghan breaks silence after winning new award

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, broke her silence to thank her team and guests after she was awarded a Gracie Award for her podcast.

The Duchess, 41, launched Archetypes last year to investigate "labels that try to hold women back" through in-depth conversations with leading women across several industries.

The Gracie Awards were founded by the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation to celebrate the exemplary programming by women in the media.

Meghan shared a special message for her supporters and the Foundation on the Archewell website this Friday.

She said: "Thank you to the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation for this prestigious honor."

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Meghan Markle

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, thanked her team after she won a Gracie award (Image: Spotify)

Prince Harry 'might live to regret' attack on Royal Family

Prince Harry could come to regret his words against the Royal Family in the long run, a royal biographer has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex offered, 38, insight into life as a royal in memoir Spare, released in January to mixed reception.

But Sally Bedell Smith suggested the Duke could end up like other public figures who harshly criticised their own families and later apologised.

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Harry leaves the High Court (Image: Getty)

King Charles becoming 'a frustrated old man' over climate emergency attitudes

The King has described how he is becoming "a frustrated old man" over attitudes to the global climate emergency.

A life-long environmentalist, Charles said the world must rely on the younger generation if we are to avert an environmental catastrophe in the next few years.

On a boat ride around Hamburg's sprawling harbour to view a state of the art electrolyser site, which helps generate power, the King said the world must realise the need to move towards more sustainable practices.

Speaking to German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Charles said: "I'm becoming a frustrated old man. It all seems obvious to me.

"The younger generation know, certainly."

King Charles

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (left) and King Charles tour the Port of Hamburg (Image: Getty)

Meghan and Harry’s decision ‘surprised’ Elton John

In the period leading up to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepping back from royal duties, Sir Elton John had been the couple's "rock", speaking with them every day for months.

In a statement posted on Instagram at the time, the Sussexes said: "We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent while continuing to fully support Her Majesty the Queen."

A source close to Sir Elton told the Mirror at the time that he knew of the couple’s decision long before even the late Queen did.

They said: "He has been their rock. So while he would never tell them what to do, he has been a listening ear and support throughout."

But a spokesperson told MailOnline Sir Elton was still "surprised" by the news, learning that they had made the leap at the same time as the rest of the world.

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Sir Elton John

Sir Elton John (Image: Getty)

Prince William made pivotal 'PR mistake' over Prince Harry attack on royals, says expert

Prince William made a considerable mistake by refusing to respond to any of the claims Prince Harry made in Spare, a royal expert has suggested.

The Prince of Wales, 40, adopted the Royal Family's motto of "never complain, never explain" to remain silent despite the Duke of Sussex's repeated swipes.

But author Alexander Larman suggested William should have himself agreed to an interview himself and "extended the hand of brotherhood" to avoid further attacks.

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William and Harry attend an Anzac Day service at Westminster Abbey (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry in sweet nod to wife Meghan during latest court appearance

Prince Harry made a touching nod to his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, with his style choices on the final day of a hearing in his privacy case against Associated Newspapers Limited.

The prince wore a Dior 'Bee' shirt, a motif known to be favoured by the Duchess as she also owns two Dior 'D-Bee' satin clutch bags.

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The Duke of Sussex arrives at the Royal Courts of Justice (Image: Getty)


A close up image of the Dior 'Bee' shirt (Image: Getty)

Camilla wows royal fans with her artistic skills

Queen Consort Camilla has wowed royal fans by showing off her artistic side during a visit to Hamburg.

After a morning of engagements focused on reconciliation and remembrance decades after the horrors of World War 2, the Queen Consort and King Charles separated to carry out a series of solo visits.

Her Majesty headed to elementary school Rudolf-Roß-Grundschule for a colourful engagement.

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Camilla, Queen Consort, draws a sketch of The Gruffalo as she visits Rudolf-Roß-Grundschule (Image: Getty)


A close up view of Camilla's handiwork (Image: Getty)

Harry and Meghan set to have ‘prominent seats’ at King Charles’s Coronation

Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, will be seated "prominently" at King Charles’ Coronation if they attend. Friends of the monarch say the monarch will "do the right thing" by his son and daughter-in-law, but only if they attend.

A friend of the king said: "Nothing that happens between now and then will make any difference to the seating plan."

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Harry and Meghan arrive for a service to mark the centenary of the Royal Air Force (Image: Getty)

The two 'real messages' behind Queen Camilla's crown choice for the Coronation

There are two "real messages" behind the decision taken by the Queen Consort not to get a new crown done for her Coronation, according to Dr George Gross, visiting research fellow in Theology at King’s College London.

The Coronation expert believes Camilla's decision to use a modified Queen Mary's crown is part of the "sensible" choices being taken by the royals regarding the historic event, at a time when Britons are experiencing an .

Mentioning the "messages" behind Camilla's decision, Dr Gross told "One, you've got so many, so why make a new crown when you've got so many in the locker?

"Given the cost of living crisis, I think, it just makes sense to reuse one they've already got."

Speaking about another message behind this choice, Dr Gross said: "I think it's also not wanting to make too bold a statement.

"I think this is trying to do this in a very sensible, very considered [way], they know this is a big magnificent occasion, but they also know that we're in a cost of living crisis. So care is being taken."

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Prince Harry 'goes nuclear' with Royal Family and still has 'serious chip on his shoulder'

has been accused of going "nuclear" on the as he aims to take down both the Firm and the media with his appearance in court.

The prince is one of several celebrities who have brought a claim against the publisher Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) for breaches of privacy, an allegation that ANL denies, however Harry has also claimed his family "withheld information" from him regarding phone hacking being carried out by the press.

Harry flew in from California and has appeared in court for three out of the four days of the hearing in support of the case, in spite of there being no need for him to appear in person.

In his witness statement the prince wrote of the "Institution" withholding information from him regarding the possibility of hom taking legal action against those who allegedly invaded his privacy.

He said: "The Institution made it clear that we did not need to know anything about phone hacking and it was made clear to me that the Royal Family did not sit in the witness box because that could open up a can of worms."

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Prince Harry

Prince Harry has used the High Court hearing to attack his family (Image: Getty)

Royals turning into 'tacky' reality show as family dubbed 'British Kardashians' by TV star

Ryan-Mark Parsons has suggested the members of the Royal Family have been attempting to Keep Up With The Kardashians as he likened them to a "tacky" reality series.

It comes after a series of controversies surrounding the royals have made global headlines from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Netflix series to King Charles's political views.

The former Apprentice star has claimed the royals are losing their "magic and mystery" and have instead opted for "puerile and farcical" behaviour.

"They have become the British Kardashians," he said. "I had so much admiration for the royal family when Queen Elizabeth II was alive."

Ryan-Mark went on: "It's like if you watch an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, or whatever it's called now, Kim and Kourtney are seen fighting. Then you get to see that playing on camera. We have more or less of that."

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Prince Harry warned lawyers 'will go for the underbelly' if he is cross-examined in court

A royal expert has warned that lawyers would "go for the underbelly" if was cross-examined in High Court over claims made against the Mail on Sunday.

Ingrid Seward, Editor in Chief at Majesty Magazine, told The Royal Beat: "Can you see Harry being cross-examined in the High Court? I think he would find that extremely difficult... because they will really go for the underbelly."

Dickie Arbiter, former press secretary to King Charles, added: "Harry is very good at reading off script... is he any good at ad-libbing? My guess is I think probably not".

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Prince Harry

Prince Harry has been at the High Court this week (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry accused of acting like a 'rottweiler' dragging Royal Family into court battle

has been warned by a royal expert that his "rottweiler behaviour" in court is not going to help repair his relationship with the .

The prince made an unexpected trip to London this week for a High Court hearing against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL), who have had a case brought against them by Harry and other celebrities for privacy breaches.

ANL, the publisher behind the Daily Mail, has denied all claims made against it.

In his witness statement Harry said the royals, or the Institution as he referred to them, withheld information from him regarding the possibility of taking legal action against those who had invaded his privacy.

He wrote: "The Institution made it clear that we did not need to know anything about phone hacking and it was made clear to me that the Royal Family did not sit in the witness box because that could open up a can of worms."

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Prince Harry is 'easy to mock’ because ‘he’s a bit stupid’ says author behind Spare parody

’s bestselling memoir Spare has been parodied in a spoof biography titled 'Spare Us! A Harrody' by author Bruno Vincent.

The 42-year-old former book editor is best known for his series of humorous takes on Enid Blyton’s Famous Five collection but decided to try his hand at a parody of the Duke of Sussex’s book because “there was a lot of meat in there” to tear apart.

Speaking to, Mr Vincent said he knew the book would be fun to work on and soon got started, reading the memoir three times before completing several drafts of his version at breakneck speed - within two weeks.

He described his book as “an affectionate parody rather than a merciless takedown”, adding: “A book that was just filled with bile and hate would be very unpleasant to write and very joyless to read.”

The author said the parody was more about making light of the royal than being cruel, and said: “I naturally gravitate towards just poking fun, which I think is pretty much the British national sport."

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Prince Harry

Prince Harry's memoir Spare has been parodied (Image: Getty)

Harry and Meghan Coronation no-show would prove a 'fatal, irreversible blow' on royals

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have, so far, not announced their plans for May 6.

However, PR expert and Go Up's Chief Executive Edward Coram-James has claimed that a no-show from the pair could hold some negative consequences - particularly "within the family itself".

Mr Coram-James told "In a universe in which the damage already caused by the rift is still recoverable from, at least in part, a no show would be the fatal, irreversible blow, both in the Public perception as well, potentially, as within the family itself.

"It risks drawing out the conflict over the long term."

He added: "On the other end of the spectrum, the Sussexes not attending would draw as much, if not more, media attention.

"It would give further oxygen to the rift and allegations that the Sussexes have levelled at the Royal Family."

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Harry and Meghan have not made their feelings on attending the Coronation clear (Image: Getty)

Meghan Markle wins defamation lawsuit against half-sister Samantha

Meghan Markle has successfully had her half-sister Samantha Markle's court case dismissed. She had accused the royal of spreading "malicious lies" during the bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview in 2021.

But a Florida judge has thrown out the lawsuit saying that Markle’s statements were pure opinion and "not capable of being proved false".

US District Judge Charlene Edwards Honeywell wrote: "As a reasonable listener would understand it, Defendant merely expresses an opinion about her childhood and her relationship with her half-siblings.

"Thus, the Court finds that Defendant’s statement is not objectively verifiable or subject to empirical proof.... Plaintiff cannot plausibly disprove Defendant’s opinion of her own childhood."


King receives standing ovation from German MPs after speech... he even mentioned the war

The King got a two-minute standing ovation after becoming the first British monarch to address the German Parliament today with a witty speech celebrating our ability to laugh with and at each other.

He cited the two nations’ mutual love of everything from Monty Python to The Beatles, the electronic Krautrock band Kraftwerk and in a solemn moment he even mentioned the war but he got away with it.

Even hard left MPs nervous about an unelected monarch addressing the heart of German democracy were cheering him from the rafters by the end.

In a 25-minute speech delivered in German and English he had MPs in stitches with several wisecracks and even got a laugh by mentioning the England women’s football team’s European Championship final victory over Germany last year.


Charles didn't see Harry in UK because he was wary of 'drama' - expert

King Charles opted not to see son Prince Harry during his surprise visit to the UK earlier this week because he did was wary of getting caught up in any “drama” before his impending coronation, a royal expert has said.

Speaking to Fox Nerws, Kinsey Schofield, host of the To Di For Daily podcast, said it was significant that Charles had decided against meeting up with Harry despite the 38-year-old coming to London for the beginning of his privacy case against Associated Newspapers at London's High Court.

She said: "The king’s diary is typically built months in advance. "But the idea that the king had this time off and chose not to engage with his son tells me that Charles does not trust his boy.

"He does not want any drama before the coronation, and he clearly thinks Harry’s grievances are petty.

"If Harry and Meghan attend the king’s coronation, they should bring their parkas because things are going to be ice cold."

Charles’ unwillingness to make out time for his son "was a stark example of consequence", she added.

Good morning

Good morning from London, I'm Catherine Meyer-Funnell and I'll be bringing you all the royal updates into this afternoon. Feel free to get in touch

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