Baby joy for Kate and William

THE Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with a future King or Queen, but she was in hospital last night suffering from acute morning sickness.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

William left hospital last night after spending hours by Kate s side William left hospital last night after spending hours by Kate's side

On a day of drama, Kate, 30, was taken to a private hospital in London from her parents’ home in Bucklebury, Berkshire, after suffering a bout of severe morning sickness, statistically more common with twins.

Prince William was by her side and travelled in a car with her to the King Edward VII Hospital.

She is expected to remain there for several days and then undergo a period of rest at home as she recovers.

“They are very pleased to make this announcement. They are absolutely delighted,” a spokesman for the couple said.

But the Queen had not been told, and it emerged that the trip to hospital forced the couple’s hand in making the baby announcement which they had originally hoped could have been delayed until just before Christmas.

Kate is less than 12 weeks pregnant and the couple decided to inform their family yesterday and then the rest of the world, fearing that the visit to the King Edward VII hospital would soon leak out.

The Queen, the rest of the Royal Family and Prime Minister David Cameron were told of the pregnancy before the news was made public with an announcement to the Press Association just after 4pm.

Last night Kate was reported to be on a drip to restore fluids and nutrients at the hospital.

The couple had declined the offer of an ambulance in favour of using their own car to go to the hospital.

It is understood that Kate walked in and was in good spirits when she checked in.

Prince William left the hospital in central London shortly after 8.20pm. Wearing a beige jumper, chinos and a light-coloured shirt, he walked out of the front door and was driven away in a Land Rover Discovery.

Aides declined to say exactly how many weeks pregnant Kate is, but doctors said severe vomiting usually starts at between six to eight weeks, meaning she is likely to give birth in late June to mid-July next year.

They also declined to say whether the couple, who married 20 months ago, were expecting twins.

Experts said no gynaecologist could rule out twins at this stage. “It’s easy to miss a second heartbeat,” said one.

If it does turn out that Kate is expecting twins, then the first baby to arrive will be third in line to the throne and a future monarch, whether a boy or girl.

Britain is coordinating an international action plan to change royal succession laws across the Commonwealth in the 16 realms where the Queen is head of state.

This will make sure that any daughter will be given equal rights to a boy, ending centuries of male supremacy over older female siblings. It is proving a diplomatic nightmare though.

Foreign Secretary William Hague said: “They didn’t object, but they all have their different legislative procedures and in some countries, because they have to change the constitution, other people can suggest other changes.

“It’s not as straightforward as it looks, but clearly this has to be done quickly.”

Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace also made it clear that the new royal baby or babies will have the title of Prince or Princess and be styled His or Her Royal Highness, even though some sources had suggested that Letters Patent from George V in 1917 stipulated that only the firstborn son of a monarch’s grandchild would have that privilege.

St James’s Palace said it was not going to provide a running commentary on the Duchess’s condition but aides pointed to the fact that she and William had travelled to the hospital by car and not ambulance, suggesting it was not causing too much concern.

Kate has cancelled her next three appearances at official royal engagements.

She was due to take part in a charity event in the City of London tomorrow.

She and William are due to attend the West End film premiere of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey on December 12.

The sickness condition for some women can be so severe that they cannot keep food or liquid down.

Doctors said some expectant mothers are confined to home for the first 12 weeks of their pregnancy. It can last beyond 21 weeks, but it is very unusual to continue after 16 weeks.

The joyful news of the Duchess’s pregnancy was announced at 4.01pm yesterday in a brief statement from St James’s Palace.

“Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby,” the statement said.

“The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”

Sources said that the couple only informed their families yesterday. It is believed Kate may not even have forewarned her mother, Carole.

William, inevitably, will have turned his thoughts to his mother, the late Princess Diana, and the prospect of her first grandchild.

Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, said yesterday: “It is wonderful news and I am thrilled for them both.”

At Westminster, David Cameron led the nation’s congratulations.

“I’m delighted for them. I’m sure they will make absolutely wonderful parents. I’m sure everyone around the country will be celebrating with them tonight.”

Political leaders around the world scrambled to follow suit. Recently re-elected President Obama congratulated the royal couple via a White House spokesman.

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