Is Prince Harry facing heartache in bid to woo society beauty Cressida Bonas?

PRINCE Harry’s burgeoning romance with blonde dance student Cressida Bonas appears to be faltering.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Cressida Bonas is the subject of Prince Harry s affections WENN com Cressida Bonas is the subject of Prince Harry's affections /

The third-in-line to the throne, who started dating the willowy 23-year-old last summer, is keen to move their relationship on to sounder footings but has found aloof “Cressie” reluctant to commit to anything serious, according to friends.

Their relationship, which survived the furore over the naked pictures of Harry playing strip billiards with a nude woman in his Las Vegas hotel room in August, has proved frustrating for the Prince.


He sent Cressida letters and phoned her regularly while he was on a four-month tour of duty in Afghanistan but has found her strangely cool to his charms, despite encouraging his close circle of friends to include her in social invitations in his absence.

Her friends insist, however, that it is not a case of her deliberately playing hard to get. “That’s just Cressie. She’s lovely but she’s very innocent. I’m not sure how she’s going to cope with the whole circus surrounding Harry,” said one.

Royal watchers had been expecting the Prince to whisk her away on holiday, possibly to Botswana, now he is back from Afghanistan and due five weeks’ leave but it is not clear yet if she will go.

Cressida, who studied at Leeds University like Harry’s old flame Chelsy Davy, is said to be worried about the inevitable media and public interest in their relationship, although she was unfazed by the Las Vegas scandal.

That came shortly after she and Harry enjoyed a holiday on Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island in the Caribbean. But, perhaps in a sign of how casually she takes the relationship, Cressida found it funny and spent several days holed up with Harry in a country house north-west of London when he returned.

Cressida’s attitude has left the Prince slightly bemused and concerned about whether he will ever find the right woman to take him on – if his public utterances during a series of controversial interviews in Afghanistan are anything to go by.

 Prince Harry may be facing heartache on the home front


It was perhaps a sign of his new-found seriousness and uncertainty that he spent his first weekend off after returning from Afghanistan deep in conversation with his old mentor, former royal equerry Mark Dyer and his wife Amanda at their house in Fulham, south-west London.

Dyer, 47, a former Welsh Guards officer, was instrumental in introducing Cressida to the rest of Harry’s set and was charged with helping to keep her on-side while the Prince was in Afghanistan.

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