Kate Middleton's badge on Tube visit brings smile to the Queen

MIND the gap – or rather the baby bump – as the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge holds a timely London Underground badge yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate Middleton with her Baby on Board badge Kate Middleton with her Baby on Board badge

The Baby on board! brooch was given to Kate as she toured Baker Street station with the Queen and Prince Philip to mark the 150th anniversary of the Tube network.

Delighted with her gift, given to mums-to-be to encourage other passengers to give up their seats, Kate giggled and told the Queen: “I’ll make sure I wear it at home.”

It brought a smile to the Queen on her first public engagement in nine days after a three-week illness linked to gastroenteritis.

QueenThe episode brought a smile to the Queen's face as she recovers from illness

I used to use the Tube on a regular basis. I miss travelling on the Tube

Kate Middleton

The Queen, who will be 87 next month, looked pale and appeared to have lost weight.

But she put on a show for a crowd of well-wishers who cheered as she named a new air-conditioned walk-through train Queen Elizabeth II. The royal party also inspected a restored carriage from 1892.

Kate, 31, told London Underground’s chief operating officer Howard Collins: “I used to use the Tube on a regular basis. I miss travelling on the Tube.”

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