Harrymania hits the US as screaming girls and the First Lady welcome him across the pond

PRINCE Harry gave US military families the shock of their lives last night when he turned up at a White House event as the surprise guest of First Lady Michelle Obama.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry with Michelle Obama in Washington Prince Harry with Michelle Obama in Washington

It was Harrymania but on an unprecedented scale, as hysterical young Senate office workers and interns had to be calmed down by a uniformed cop who ordered them to stop whooping and hollering as the third in line to the throne toured a photographic exhibition about landmines with former Repblican presidential nominee Senator John McCain.

Harry, 28, was greeted by a cheering crowd in the street when he arrived outside the Russell Senate Rotunda at the start of a seven-day tour of America.

But that was nothing compared to the reaction of women officials inside the building, where the Prince viewed an exhibition by the HALO Trust anti-landmines charity, which he supports as part of his efforts to perpetuate his mother Princess Diana's legacy.

 Prince Harry with First Lady Michelle Obama and children who are making presents

prince harry, america, united states, girls, screaming, michelle obama, white house,Women await the arrival of the world's most eligible bachelor

"You could hear the sound of hearts breaking all over the room," said one young intern among a group of camera phone-clutching women in ther twenties who had managed to find a reason to be in the rotunda during the royal visit to catch a glimpse of the world's most eligible bachelor.

Office worker Kati Card, 27, had wangled a special guest invitation to the Halo Trust exhibition. "I wanted to come because Harry is the fun one. He's real," she said. "And a girl can dream. Can't she?"

Senator McCain said: "He was kind of embarrassed (by the screaming), I think a normal reaction."I'm sure it's not the first time he has had that experience, but in all the years I've been coming here I've never seen such an unbalanced gender gap."

 Michelle Obama welcomed Prince Harry

After his rock star welcome, the Prince gave US military families the shock of their lives when he turned up at a White House event as the surprise guest of First Lady Michelle Obama.

The president’s wife asked that his invitation  be kept secret from 170 children, parents, and grandparents attending a tea party to honour women serving in the military.

"Well, surprise!" said the First Lady, to more cheers for the Prince.

 Prince Harry and Michelle Obama in Washington

She told the excited families : "It is an honour to welcome Prince Harry to the White House today. As you all may know, Prince Harry is a captain in the Army Air Corps in the British Armed Forces."

She added: "In January he returned from his second deployment to Afghanistan.

"He has spent much of his time supporting our wounded warriors and the families of our fallen."Arriving by a side door with Mrs Obama, Harry helped children aged 6-13 who were making cards and gifts for Mother's Day, which in America takes place on Sunday.

 Prince Harry along with wife of the British Ambassador to the US Lady Westmacott

Harry bent down to talk to the children and posed while Vice President Joe Biden's wife Jill took photographs on the children's camera phones.

The Prince pulled faces and joked with the children as he saw the gifts they had made for their mothers.

Harry, who flew to Washington on a scheduled Virgin service, will spend the next few days promoting causes that are close to his heart.
His visit, on behalf of the British Government and some of his charities, will see him feted by the great and good.

The focal point of his trip is the Warrior Games, a Paralympic-style sporting championship for injured servicemen and women that takes place in Colorado Springs this weekend, with a British team competing against the Americans for the first time.

It is intended to showcase him as a modern, hardworking royal.

 Prince Harry dined at the ambassador's residence in Washington

 Prince Harry spoke at the dinner

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