Prince Harry pays tribute to his 'comrades in arms' as he visits US cemetery

THE epitome of an officer and a gentleman in his Army dress uniform, Prince Harry today paid tribute to his brothers in arms lost in the war on terror.

By Richard Palmer in Washington, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry paid tribute to the late John F Kennedy Prince Harry paid tribute to the late John F Kennedy

Wearing his No 1 uniform from his parent regiment, the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals and the blue cap of his current unit, the Army Air Corps, he went to America's most hallowed ground, Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, to pay his respects to the fallen.

In the sweltering 86F heat, Harry, an Apache helicopter co-pilot gunner, toured the cemetery with executive director, Kathryn Condon, and Major General Mike Linnington, commander of the military district of Washington where 400,000 military men and women are buried from conflicts down the ages in graves marked with white headstones on the pristine lawns over a square mile, an area the si2 of the City of London.

He headed first to Section 60 in the south-east of the cemetery, where those lost in combat in the war on terror since 2001, including the fallen of Iraq ad Afghanistan are buried.

 Prince Harry (L) visits Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery

The third in line to the throne laid a wreath with a message dedicated to "my comrades in arms of the United States of America, who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of freedom, Captain Harry Wales" on the graves.

After placing the wreath the Prince stood to attention and saluted the grave, before walking alone through the rows of headstones surrounding it, pausing several times to read individual inscriptions.

He then laid a bouquet at the grave of assassinated President John F Kennedy, whose brothers Bobby and Ted are also commemorated nearby.

The Prince, knelt on one knee and placed a mixed bouquet of flowers on the tombstone, which lies next to an eternal flame, then stood to attention, bowed his head and paused for a moment in quiet reflection.

Visiting dignitaries do not usually visit Kennedy's grave, but the Prince made the gesture because November marks the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination.

Hundreds of schoolchildren and Harry fans gathered at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to see him lay a second wreath dedicated to all those lost by the US military.

Arlington, which is constantly expanding, carries out 25 to 30 burials per day. It contains the graves of another US president, William Howard Taft, the 27th from 1909 to 1913, and those of several stars who were in the military including actor Lee Marvin and boxer Joe Lewis.

Harry, 28, has made the military and the plight of those who have suffered llife-changing injuries in war, the central theme of his week-long tour of the US.

Earlier today, he evoked his mother's memory in the battle to rid the world of landmines still killing some of the world's poorest people, when he met US policy makers and wealthy donors at a British embassy reception to boost support for the HALO Trust anti-landmines charity.

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