A dazzling day as the Queen marks her crowning glory

ONE OF THE glittering stars of the Queen’s Coronation will leave the Tower of London for the first time in 60 years today as the Royal Family marks the anniversary at Westminster Abbey.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

King s Troop Royal Horse Artillery in London s Green Park salute yesterday King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, in London’s Green Park salute yesterday

St Edward’s Crown, made from solid gold for the coronation of Charles II in 1661, will be brought to the Abbey to rest on the High Altar as the royals turn out in force to commemorate the historic milestone.

More than 20 members of the Royal Family will be at the service.

It will be the first time that the crown, which is set with 444 precious stones and weighs almost 5lb, has left the Tower since the Coronation when it was used to crown the Queen before she switched to the Imperial State Crown to leave the Abbey.

The Ampulla, the gold, eagle-shaped bottle from which holy oil was poured for the anointing – the most sacred part of the Coronation ceremony – will also be taken from the Tower to rest on the Altar.

During the service, a flask of aromatic oil taken from the same batch made for the Coronation will be carried by representatives of the people of the UK through the Abbey to the Sacrarium, received by the Archbishop of Canterbury and placed by the Dean of Westminster on the High Altar.

In a foreword for the Order of Service, the Dean, the Very Rev Dr John Hall, said: “Our intention in this service of thanksgiving is to evoke and reflect the shape of the Coronation service itself.”

He described the presence of the priceless St Edward’s Crown in the Abbey as “a powerful symbol of the moment of Coronation”.

The crown was made to replace Edward the Confessor’s medieval crown, melted down on the orders of Oliver Cromwell in 1649.

queen, coronation, crown, dazzling, day, jewels, anniversary, 60thThe Queen wearing the solid gold St Edward’s Crown


The service today has been divided into the Recognition, Anointing, Homage and Thanksgiving, reflecting parts of the original Coronation ceremony. Just as in 1953, when the Queen enters the Abbey, her arrival will be marked by the choirs singing Psalm 122 – I was glad – set to Edward VII’s Coronation music by Sir Hubert Parry.

There will also be exclamations of Vivat Regina Elizabetha (Long Live Queen Elizabeth) by the Queen’s Scholars of Westminster School.

The Recognition will centre on giving thanks for the Queen’s “dutiful service”. For the Anointing, the oil will be processed through the Abbey and placed on the Altar, but not used.

Ahead of the Anointing, Prime Minister David Cameron will read from the Old Testament First Book of Kings, where the anointing of Solomon as King is described.

The Homage is reflected in a poem, The Throne, written for the occasion by the Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, and a prayer.

On show will be the restored Coronation Chair, which dates from around 1300 and was made on the orders of King Edward I.

In 1953, after the Holy Communion, also known as the Holy Eucharist meaning Thanksgiving, the choir sang a hymn of praise, Te Deum, set to music by William Walton. Today’s service will end with a hymn of thanksgiving and the Te Deum.

At 2.30pm the Westminster Abbey Company of Ringers will start a Coronation 60th Anniversary celebratory peal of London Surprise Royal, made of 5,060 changes.

Gunfire rang out in the capital yesterday when the Honourable Artillery Company, incorporated by royal charter under Henry VIII in 1537, fired a 62-gun salute from the Tower of London while the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery fired a 41-gun salute from Green Park.


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